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Q: What affect would global warning cause in the future?
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How might global warming affect the continents in the distant future?

Global warming may cause the ocean to rise. If the ocean rises, then many places that are below sea level will flood.

Can military weapons Past and Future cause global warming?


What is antarctica's future?

global warming is going to cause it to slowly meltNothing will happen to Anteratca

How does global warming affect global precipitation?

It would seem logical to assume that increases in temperature would cause increases in precipitation.

Could tornadoes cause global warming?

No. While global warming might affect tornado activity, tornadoes themselves are an end product of weather and climatic activity, not a cause.

Why Greenhouse Effect is a big possibilitty that can cause massive flooding all over the Earth?

It is because due to greenhouse effect global warning occurs. this global warming will increase the temperature of earth, melting the glaciers which can cause floods.

How does public policy affect global warming?

Most of the public ...they are not going for the .....""family planning"...........................that is what ...will cause many problems....not only global worming....

What will happen in the future to the Earth if we don't reuse recycle and reduce?

it will cause global warming and kill the ocean

How car affect on your ecosystem?

Some believe fossil fuel emissions cause "Global Warming".

Causes of poor garbage disposal?

it cause global waning and affect the health of the world population

Who are the global warming skeptics?

Global warming skeptics do not believe the geoscientists, engineers and meteorologists round the world. The skeptic individuals believe that nature is the primary cause of global warming and/or that future global warming will not be a very serious problem.

A. burning fossil fuels b. deforestation c. respiration d. population growth Which of them is not a man-made cause of global warming?

Respiration is part of the carbon cycle and does not affect global warming.