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Amoebas can change their shape for mobility, consuming food, and adapting to their environment.

-They produce tentacle-like extensions called pseudopodia (meaning "false foot") to move through their environments.

-When the encounter food they can 'grab' or push the particles towards them for phagocytosis (cell engulfing/eating of large particles).

-In open water an amoeba cell will form many pseudopodia in all directions as it floats; this allows it to sense things at all angles.

-During unfavorable conditions (such as cold or dry times) the amoeba will become a ball and secrete a protective membrane around itself to form a microbial cyst. The cell remains in this protected state until more favorable conditions arise; it can die if it's unable to emerge for a long period of time.

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1mo ago

Amoebas change shape to move, capture food, and avoid predators. Their flexible shape allows them to squeeze through small spaces and engulf their prey easily. This shape-shifting ability is essential for their survival and efficient functioning.

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The name for a protozoan of ever changing shape is Amoeba. Amoebas are single-celled organisms that constantly alter their shape as they move and feed.

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Amoeba demonstrates locomotion by crawling and changing shape using pseudopods, while Elodea does not demonstrate locomotion as it is a stationary aquatic plant.

What is an fact about amoebas?

The term amoeba comes from a greek word, "to change". They look like blobs of jelly, and the body shape of the amoeba is always changing, that's why it's name is amoeba, because in greek it's to change.

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yes amoeba is a variable shape cell

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The amoeba is a type of an organism which is unicellular and has no definite shape. Amoeba came from the Greek word 'amibe' that means change.

How do you define the shape of an amoeba?

Irregular or without a definite shape.

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No, amoebas do not have a symmetrical body plan. They have a simple, asymmetrical shape that allows them to change their body shape as they move and feed by extending their pseudopods.

Which microorganism doesn't have a definite shape?

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it maintains the cells shape