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Q: What actions occur along ocean ridges?
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Volcanoes that form along mid-ocean ridges occur at?

Volcanoes that form along mid-ocean ridges occur at divergent tectonic plate boundaries, where two plates are moving away from each other. Magma rises to the surface through the cracks created by the diverging plates, resulting in the formation of underwater volcanoes.

Are mid-ocean ridges located mostly along coastlines?

No, mid-ocean ridges are not located mostly along coastlines. Mid-ocean ridges are underwater mountain ranges that form where tectonic plates are pulling apart. They are located in the middle of the ocean and can extend for thousands of kilometers.

Where do most plate boundaries occur?

Ocean ridges

At which type boundary do mid-ocean ridges occur?


Where do most divergent plate boundaries occur?

Ocean ridges

Where do transform plate boundaries usually occur?

They occur near ocean ridges. (Information is from BCScience10)

What occurs along ocean trenches but not along mid ocean ridges that accounts for the occurrence's of deep focus earthquakes?

Subduction zones occur along ocean trenches where one tectonic plate sinks beneath another. This process causes deep focus earthquakes because the descending plate generates intense pressure and friction as it moves deeper into the Earth's mantle. In contrast, mid-ocean ridges are areas where tectonic plates move apart, causing shallow earthquakes.

Where is Ocean ridges generally are located?

Ocean ridges are generally located where tectonic plates are moving apart, such as along mid-ocean ridges where seafloor spreading occurs. Examples include the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and the East Pacific Rise.

Another name for divergent boundaries that occur under the ocean is?

Sea floor spreading

Mountain ranges at the bottom of the ocean are called?

Submarine mountain ranges at the bottom of the ocean are called oceanic ridges or mid-ocean ridges. These are underwater mountain ranges that form along plate boundaries where tectonic plates are diverging or moving apart.

Where does sea flooring occur?

Sea floor spreading occurs at mid-ocean ridges.

What kinds of rocks are associated with ocean ridges?

Basalt rocks are commonly associated with ocean ridges due to the process of seafloor spreading where magma rises to the surface, cools, and solidifies. These basaltic rocks form the oceanic crust along the ridges.