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Q: What action does rubbing cause?
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Can you start a fire with two cool ranch Doritos by rubbing them together?

No. The action of rubbing together two Doritos chips would crumble them before sufficient friction could result in enough heat to cause combustion.

What could cause squeaking from rear tire?

rubbing from brakes or rubbing from frame

Can rubbing alcohol cause blistering in the vaginal area?

Rubbing alcohol should not be put on your genitals.

Cause and effect of volcano?

Global Warming can be an effect of a volcano, and the cause is two tectonic plates rubbing together.Global Warming can be an effect of a volcano, and the cause is two tectonic plates rubbing together.

What are the Symptoms of rubbing alcohol ingestion?

Drinking rubbing alcohol can cause dizziness, nausea, and vomiting. Ingesting rubbing alcohol can also cause: diarrhea, pain, bleeding in the stomach and intestines, low blood pressure, shock, and coma.

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Can rubbing alcohol cause dyes to run?


How much rubbing alcohol will cause alcohol toxicity?

You shouldn't ever drink rubbing alcohol. It isn't the same as the alcohol in beer, wine, whiskey, etc. Rubbing alcohol is very dangerous and cause things like blindness and death.

Does rubbing preparation H your stomach cause weight loss?

No it does not.

What is the main cause of the volcanoes?

The tectonic plates rubbing together

What might cause rubbing on the left side of the car when you turn right?

When you turn right the weight of the vehicle shifts to the left, which could cause rubbing of several things on the left side.

Do running shoes often cause rubbing on the side of your ankle bone?

Yes, running shoes can sometimes cause rubbing on the side of your ankle bone due to improper fit or design.