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Q: What Warm sea air is required for a .?
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It feeds on warm sea air?


Is the air more saturated in cold or warm weather?

Warm air holds more moisture than cold air. In warm weather, there is increased evaporation of sea water.

What Originates over a warm sea?

Maritime Equatorial Air Mass (mE) originate over warm sea water. Maritime Tropical (mT) also originates over the warm sea waters.

How is sea otter fur adapted to keep the otter warm?

Air trapped in their fur keeps them warm

How sea breezes form?

Cool air blows inland from over the water and moves underneath the warm air, causing a sea breeze.

What is a flow of air from the sea to the land?

It is an on-shore breeze.

What feeds on warm sea air?

Warm sea air can provide a food source for various organisms such as phytoplankton, which use sunlight to convert its energy into food through photosynthesis. Zooplankton and other small marine animals feed on phytoplankton, forming the base of the marine food chain. Additionally, certain species of fish and seabirds rely on warm sea air for thermals that help them stay in flight for longer periods of time.

What is it called when warm air over the water rises and replaced by cooler air from the land?

Colder air blowing in from the sea to the land is called a "sea breeze".

What is sea breaze?

It refers to a gentle current of warm air in dry weather blowing from the sea and over the land

What does a dolphin do in winter?

They curl up in a ball and sink to the bottom of the sea to keep warm. The sea bottom is really warm so that is what they do ! They do not do that because they must come to the surface for air!

What is warm air moves from the beach toward the ocean?

Warm air moves from a beach toward the ocean by convection.

When a hurricane is forming over the Caribbean Sea what will the fuel be?

The fuel will be the same no matter what ocean or sea the hurricane is over: warm moist air with the moisture provided by warm ocean water.