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Incomplete dominance (i.e. non of the two alleles are dominant and their effects blend to give the phenotype)

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4mo ago

Traits that appear to blend are often the result of genetic variation from both parents. This blending of traits occurs during the process of genetic recombination and inheritance, where offspring inherit a combination of genetic material from each parent. This can lead to a mixture of traits from both parents, resulting in a unique combination in the offspring.

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Q: What Traits that appear to blend are the result of?
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Which inheritance pattern results when parents are crossed for pure traits and the resulting offspring have traits that appear to blend?

Incomplete dominance represents an inheritance pattern resulting in offspring with traits that appear to blend when parents are crossed for pure traits. In this pattern, neither trait is completely dominant over the other, leading to a mixture or intermediate phenotype in the offspring.

What happens with incomplete dominance?

The two traits will appear to blend. example: Red Flower plus White Flower= Pink Flower

What is wrong about the thought that sexual reproduction produces offspring that have a blending of the parental traits?

Parental traits don't blend. Many traits a controlled by more than one gene and result in one phenotype from either the mother or the father but not usually a blend of both. For example, if black hair is dominant on a male dog and white hair is recessive on a female dog and they both mate, the offspring will likely have black hair. A blend would be known as incomplete dominance.

Do animals blend traits?

Yes, animals o blend traits. The same as your child will have the same eye colors as you is the same as the off spring of an animal will look like their parents.

When the blend of traits occurs is it referred to as the principle of?

incomplete dominance

Trait in a sentence?

you have some traits in you. Traits do not appear in everyone.

Gregor Mendel's plant exiperimentswhat did he prove?

he discovered the princaples of inheritance. Plants inherait traits ... and do not blend traits.

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Why blending inheritance is incorrect even with some features do appear to blend in nature?

The answer to this is that only a few features appear to blend in nature. These traits are controlled by incomplete dominant alleles, which cause both traits to blend together (such as colors). Most traits are inherited based on independent assortment of alleles in meiosis I and the principles of dominant and recessive traits. By definition, the dominant trait masks the recessive trait. Some features, which seem to blend such as skin color, actually follow normal inheritance patterns. Skin color is controlled by multiple genes. The gene either deposits pigment or doesn't deposit pigment. Since multiple genes can deposit pigments, the skin color has a wide range of possibilities. For example, if skin color is controlled by Gene A, B, and C, then here are a few possibilities for genotypes. AaBbCc, AABBcc, aabbcc, etc. So even though there is continuum of color, the inheritance pattern is not "blending"

What produces a blend of parents phenotypes?

A blend of parents' phenotypes in offspring is the result of genetic recombination during sexual reproduction. Offspring inherit a combination of genes from both parents, leading to a mix of traits from each parent in the offspring. This process produces variations in phenotype in each generation.

When a blend of both alleles are shown in the phenotype of an organism this is an example of?

A heterozygote expresses the traits of both alleles in the phenotypic traits. These traits affect the physical appearance of an organism.

How does codominance work and why does it happen?

Incomplete dominance occurs when a homozygous genotype produces an intermediate, or middle phase before the result. This intermediate is the heterozygous' phenotype.