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Q: What Temperature scale is usually used in weather reports?
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Is Celsius warm or cold weather?

Celsius is a scale of measuring temperature, not a temperature in and of itself.

What is a temperature scale used most often in the US for weather?


What temperature scale does china use?

China primarily uses the Celsius temperature scale for weather forecasts and everyday temperature measurements. However, in some engineering and scientific applications, the Kelvin temperature scale is also used.

What does farrenhight mean?

It appears there may be a spelling error in your question. If you are referring to "Fahrenheit," it is a scale used to measure temperature, where water freezes at 32 degrees and boils at 212 degrees. It is commonly used in the United States for weather reports and everyday temperature measurements.

What is a scale commonly used by scientists for measuring temperature?

The scientific standard for laboratory temperature measurements is usually the Centigrade scale, also known as Celsius.

Which temperature scale do scientistst use?

The Kelvin scale, usually, but chemistry and allied disciplines use Celsius sometimes.

Is Fahrenheit hot or cold?

Fahrenheit is a temperature scale that includes cold and hot temperatures, it does not have a temperature in and of itself.

What are the common scale in which temperature are usually measured?

Fahrenheit and Celsius and sometimes Kelvin

What does K mean in astronomical temperature?

In astronomical temperature, K represents Kelvin, the unit of temperature used in scientific measurements. It is the absolute temperature scale where 0 K represents absolute zero, the lowest possible temperature at which all thermal motion ceases in matter.

Why is Kelvin scale better for America?

The Kelvin scale is not only for America, it is for all the world. The Kelvin scale is a scientific scale, absolute, based on thermodynamics. Like any temperature scale, its utility depends on what you want to do. For every day weather information we are mostly interested in whether it will be above or below freezing - so Centigrade/Celsius is handy because that transition point corresponds to 0 °C. Because most Americans are more used to hearing everything in °F that is still very useful for them for weather reports, setting the thermostat in their homes, etc. On the other hand, when you want to start doing thermodynamic calculations, Kelvin is mighty useful.

What is the difference between absolute temperature scale and kelvin scale urgent I am convinced that there is a difference?

The Kelvin scale is an absolute temperature scale where 0K represents absolute zero. The absolute temperature scale refers to any temperature scale that starts at absolute zero, such as the Kelvin scale. So, the Kelvin scale is a specific type of absolute temperature scale.

What are the weather conditions like at the fujita scale?

The Fujita scale is not a weather event, it is a system of rating tornadoes. So thet Fujita scale does not have its own weather conditions.