Duhok, Iraq
The coordinates 43 degrees north latitude by 13 degrees east longitude point to a location in central Italy. This specific point is near the city of Florence.
The coordinates 43 degrees N, 15 degrees E, represents the Republic of Cameroon. As of 2014, Cameroon has a population of 21.4 million people.
55 degrees North and 82 degrees East are coordinates that point to a location in Russia, specifically in Siberia close to the border with Mongolia.
Vladivostok is the Russian port located at 43 degrees North and 132 degrees East. It is a major eastern Russian city and serves as a key access point to the Pacific Ocean.
A promontory on the southeast portion of the island of Hokkaido, Japan, about 300 km due east of Sapporo, is at 43 degrees north latitude and 145 degrees east longitude.
43 degrees north, zero degrees east/west
Duhok, Iraq
43 degrees north, zero degrees east/west
The village of Hirevo, Bulgaria.
The coordinates 43 degrees north latitude by 13 degrees east longitude point to a location in central Italy. This specific point is near the city of Florence.
The coordinates 43 degrees N, 15 degrees E, represents the Republic of Cameroon. As of 2014, Cameroon has a population of 21.4 million people.
Silopi, Turkey.
Below the Mediterranean Sea, above the Red Sea.
55 degrees North and 82 degrees East are coordinates that point to a location in Russia, specifically in Siberia close to the border with Mongolia.
Vladivostok is the Russian port located at 43 degrees North and 132 degrees East. It is a major eastern Russian city and serves as a key access point to the Pacific Ocean.
The Leaning Tower of Pisa is located at Pisa, Italy, 43 degrees 43' 23" North, 10 degrees 23' 47.10" East.