The coordinates 13 degrees north latitude and 144 degrees east longitude correspond to a location in the Pacific Ocean, southeast of the Mariana Islands and north of Papua New Guinea. There is no specific country located at these exact coordinates.
Australia is located at 37 degrees south by 144 degrees east.
That point isn't in any country. It's in the Pacific Ocean, about 1,080 miles southeast of Honolulu.
Anchorage, AK is at longitude 61 degrees 13 minutes north, 149 degrees 43 minutes west. Of course, any coordinates within about 10 minutes of those in any direction are also within the boundaries of Anchorage.
The coordinates 13 degrees north latitude and 144 degrees east longitude correspond to a location in the Pacific Ocean, southeast of the Mariana Islands and north of Papua New Guinea. There is no specific country located at these exact coordinates.
pi radians = 180 degrees -144 degrees = (pi/180) x (-144) radians
144 degrees Fahrenheit = 62.2 degrees Celsius.
2/5 * 360 = 144 degrees.2/5 * 360 = 144 degrees.2/5 * 360 = 144 degrees.2/5 * 360 = 144 degrees.
Any polygon can have an interior angle of 144 degrees. The measurement of an interior angle of a decagon is 144 degrees.
Australia is located at 37 degrees south by 144 degrees east.
It is: 144 degrees + 36 degrees = 180 degrees
degrees C = (degrees F - 32) / 1.8= (144-32)/1.8= 112/1.8= 62.22 degrees C
That point isn't in any country. It's in the Pacific Ocean, about 1,080 miles southeast of Honolulu.
It is an angle whose measure is 144 degrees!
It is: 144 degrees + 36 degrees = 180 degrees