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Q: What Large bulky molecules react more slowly than small ones because they have less opportunity to?
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The large diversity of shapes of biological molecules is possible because of the extensive presence of?

The large diversity of shapes of biological molecules is possible because of carbon.

Why do kapok seed falls slowly?

because it has a large shape

Why does a piece of paper fall slowly to the ground?

A piece of paper falls slowly to the ground because of air resistance. The large surface area of the paper interacts with air molecules, creating a force that opposes its downward motion, causing it to fall more slowly than heavier objects with less surface area.

What do large insoluble molecules get broken down into?

Large insoluble molecules get broken down into smaller soluble molecules through processes like digestion, hydrolysis, or decomposition. This allows the body to absorb and utilize the essential nutrients present in these molecules.

Do intrusive rocks have large crystals because they cool quickly?

No. Intrusive igneous rocks have large crystals because they cool slowly.

Why are cracking large hydrocarbon molecules more useful than the original large molecules?

Cracking large hydrocarbon molecules produces smaller molecules that are lighter and have higher demand in the market, such as gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel. These smaller molecules are more volatile and easier to transport and utilize in various industries like transportation and manufacturing. It also helps to maximize the yield of valuable products from crude oil.

Does a gas with large molecules has friction between its molecules?

A gas with large molecules has friction between its molecules because they are constantly coming into contact with each other. This is a normal process which does not alter the overall composition or characterises of the gas.

Why do large crystals of sugar burn slowly?

Large crystals of sugar burn slowly because they have a lower surface area-to-volume ratio. This means that less sugar is exposed to the air, which slows down the rate of combustion. Smaller sugar particles burn more quickly because they have more surface area coming into contact with oxygen in the air.

Why are enzymes molecules so large?

Because GOD made it that way

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America is very popular because it is a free countryand it is a very large country where people have opportunity's

What is a covalent substance whose molecules are very large and because the atoms involved continue to bond one another called?

Very large covalent molecules are called macromoleules or sometimes giant molecules. I do not what the part of the question "because the atoms involved continue to bond one another called?" means

Why are they assuming the large molecules will stay on their own side of the membrane?

The assumption that large molecules will stay on their own side of the membrane is based on the principle of selective permeability. Membranes are selectively permeable, meaning that they allow some molecules to pass through while blocking others based on size, charge, and other properties. Large molecules may be physically unable to pass through the membrane due to size or may require specific transport mechanisms that are not present.