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This compound is glycogen.

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Q: What Is the chemical found in all living cells that serves as the most basic form of storage energy?
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What does C6H12O56 mean?

C6H12O6 is the chemical formula for glucose, a simple sugar that serves as a primary source of energy for living organisms.

What does C6H12O6 mean in science?

C6H12O6 is the chemical formula for glucose, a simple sugar that serves as a source of energy in living organisms through cellular respiration.

How chemical energy is used to make energy?

Chemical energy stored in molecules is converted to thermal energy through chemical reactions in a process called cellular respiration. This thermal energy is then harnessed by cells to produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which serves as a source of energy for various cellular processes. Ultimately, this ATP is used to power all the activities of living organisms.

What compound can be made from glucose and serves as long term energy storage?

Glycogen is the compound that can be made from glucose and serves as long-term energy storage in animals. In plants, starch is the equivalent compound.

What molecule is a source of energy and energy storage?

Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is a molecule that serves as a source of energy in cells by releasing energy when its phosphate bonds are broken. Lipids, such as triglycerides, are a common form of energy storage in the body, as they can be broken down to release energy when needed.

What purpose does fat serve?

Fat serves many purposes for animals, including insulation and energy storage.

What complex carbohydrate is a storage form of energy in plants?

Starch is the complex carbohydrate that serves as a storage form of energy in plants. It is found in roots, seeds, and other parts of the plant where energy reserves are stored for future use.

Where is the energy stored in living systems?

in the chemical bonds of molecules

A polysaccharides that serves as a storage form of energy in Muscle and liver cells?

glycogen, often called animal starch

What polysaccharides serves as a storage form of energy in muscles and liver cells?

glycogen, often called animal starch

What are four main types of macromoles found in living things?

The four main types of macromolecules found in living things are carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids. Each type serves a specific biological function, such as energy storage (carbohydrates), membrane structure (lipids), enzyme catalysis (proteins), and genetic information storage (nucleic acids).

What is glycogen used for energy storage by?

Glycogen is primarily used for energy storage by animals, including humans. It is stored in the liver and muscles and can be broken down into glucose when energy is needed by the body. Glycogen serves as a quick and accessible energy source during periods of high energy demand or low blood sugar levels.