Madagascar is located in the Southern Hemisphere. Its approximate latitude is 20.0° S, and its longitude is 47.0° E.
Africa is located at latitude 20°E and longitude 20°N.
2 degrees south latitude and 30 degrees east longitude is located in the Indian Ocean, approximately 200 miles off the east coast of Africa, near the island of Madagascar.
Those coordinates represent a single point, not a whole continent. The point is in southern Chad, in the interior of the African Continent. Any other point, in Africa or anywhere, has different coordintes.
Latitude - 29° 12' S Longitude - 26° 07' E
Latitude: S 18° 46' 1.0092" | Longitude: E 46° 52' 8.7852"
The latitude and longitude coordinates for South Africa is 30.5595° S, 22.9375° E
15.0000000 is the latitude of chad
Africa is located at latitude 20°E and longitude 20°N.
Latitude 18°55′S,Longitude 47°31′E
2 degrees south latitude and 30 degrees east longitude is located in the Indian Ocean, approximately 200 miles off the east coast of Africa, near the island of Madagascar.
The center of the playing field at Mahamasina Municipal Stadium in Antananarivo is located at 18.9195° south latitude 47.5259° east longitude.
Those coordinates represent a single point, not a whole continent. The point is in southern Chad, in the interior of the African Continent. Any other point, in Africa or anywhere, has different coordintes.
Latitude - 29° 12' S Longitude - 26° 07' E