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  • Two things make up the entire universe: matter and energy. Matter is the stuff that everything is made of - rocks, wood, skin, muscles, air, everything. Energy is what interacts with and changes matter.
  • Conservation of matter and energy: Matter and energy are present in fixed amounts in the universe; neither can be created or destroyed, but they can change form. On Earth, as in the rest of the universe, matter and energy are conserved. This means that you can't get something from nothing.
  • Cycling: Earth is the ultimate recycler. The rule that energy and mass is conserved and cycled applies to all aspects of the Earth Sciences. Water, air, and even rocks are subject to cycles that operate over time frames that span days to millions of years.
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1mo ago

The Earth science concept that explains the process of cooling of magma into porous rock is called 'crystallization'. As magma cools, minerals within it begin to crystalize and solidify, forming igneous rocks with a porous texture. This porous texture is often a result of gas bubbles trapped within the cooling magma as it solidifies.

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Q: What Earth science concept explains the process of the cooling of magma into porous rock?
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