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Well their is numerous of traits that DNA carry from generation to generation , such traits are skin color, height,hair color,hair texture, development and growth of offspring.Having offspring' becoming male or female. Outward personality and behavioral characteristics. And the list goes on and on, mostly every single thing abut the offspring or offsprings from the time their in the womb till the time they become an adult.

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Genes are units within the cells that control how living organisms inherit traits. Genes are made of a long molecule referred to as DNA.

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Q: What Biochemical structures inside cells that carry traits from one generation to the next?
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What part of cells carries the traits from one generation to the next?

Through germline cells (also known as gametes).Note: except for asexual reproduction.

How are traits and genes similar?

Traits and genes are similar in that they both play a role in determining an organism's characteristics. Genes are segments of DNA that contain the instructions for specific traits, while traits are the physical or biochemical characteristics that result from the expression of genes. Genes control the inheritance of traits from one generation to the next.

In which generation were recessive traits visible Mendel's experiments?

Recessive traits were visible in the F2 generation of Mendel's experiments, where the offspring of the F1 generation showed a 3:1 ratio of dominant to recessive traits.

What information is not passed generation to generation?

recessive traits

What information is not passed from generation to generation?

recessive traits

What is the name of the study of heredity traits of an organism?

Genetics Genes are the DNA that pass our hereditary traits from generation to generation

How do traits differ from one generation to the next?

Genetic traits differ from one generation to the next because the next generation has genes from both parents, unless of course you are talking about a clone. Also, the genetics of the next generation can be from recessive traits of the parents.

What did Gregor Mendel call the traits that disappear in the first generation?

Gregor Mendel called the traits that disappear in the first generation recessive traits. These traits are not expressed in the offspring when there is a dominant trait present.

What are the structures inside the nucleus that pass on traits to new cells and control genetic information?

The structures inside the nucleus that pass on traits to new cells and control genetic information are chromosomes. Chromosomes are made up of DNA and contain genes, which carry the instructions for making proteins and determining an organism's traits. During cell division, chromosomes are replicated and passed on to daughter cells to ensure the continuity of genetic information.

Did Gregor Mendel discover that traits are passed from generation to generation?

Yes, Gregor Mendel's experiments with pea plants in the 19th century led to the discovery of the basic principles of inheritance. He observed that traits are passed from generation to generation in a predictable manner, which laid the foundation for the field of genetics.

What generation showed hidden traits in all plants of Mendel's experiments?

The F2 generation showed hidden traits in all plants of Mendel's experiments. This generation resulted from crossing the hybrid F1 generation plants, allowing recessive traits to resurface and become visible in the offspring.

Who are the scientists who contributed to the cell theory and spontaneous generation?

Greg Wendel was the person who developed the cell theory in recessive and dominant traits. He studied generation to generation on plants and saw which traits would show up in the next generation he discovered how traits showed up from parents to offspring.