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No space shuttle has ever reached the moon. The 5 manned missions to land on the moon were the Apollo missions 11 though 17, with the exception of Apollo 13, which was unable to land due to a malfunction.

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Q: What 5 space shuttles reached the moon?
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What space shuttle was used to first fly to the moon?

None. The moon missions were launched by a Saturn 5 rocket carrying an Apollo space capsule. The space shuttles were used for earth orbit missions.

How many shuttles have been into space?

As of November 2021, a total of six space shuttles have been launched into space by NASA: Columbia, Challenger, Discovery, Atlantis, Endeavour, and Enterprise. Enterprise was used for atmospheric testing and was never launched into space.

How many space shuttles have there been launch up to now in the Kennedy space?

There were 135 space shuttle launches at Kennedy Space Center.

What was the name of seventh manned space shuttle?

There was only 6 Space Shuttles. Only 5 of them went into space.

How many shuttle went to space?

The 5 Space Shuttles flew in space 134 times. One mission didn't make it to space.

Who is the only astronaut to have flown in all 5 space shuttles?

John Young is the only astronaut to have flown in all five space shuttles—Columbia, Challenger, Discovery, Atlantis, and Endeavour.

Where was the space shuttle blast off?

All 5 Space Shuttles launch from Kennedy Space Center on the east coast of Florida, USA.

How many space shuttles has NASA built with the intension to use in space?

5. Columbia, Challenger, Discovery, Atlantis and Endeavour.

What are the 5 space shuttles?

The five space shuttles were named: Columbia, Challenger, Discovery, Atlantis, and Endeavour. These shuttles were part of NASA's Space Shuttle program, with Columbia being the first to launch in 1981 and Endeavour being the last in 1992.

What are the differences visually between the four space shuttles?

There are 5 Space Shuttles. Challenger, Discovery, Atlantis, and Endeavour look exactly the same except for their names. Columbia's tip of it's rear stabilizer and wings are black.

How many space shuttles were ever built and what were they called?

A total of five space shuttles were built by NASA. Their names were Atlantis, Challenger, Columbia, Discovery, and Endeavour.

How long does it take to get from Earth to the moon in a space shuttle?

It takes about 4 or 5 days to get from earth to the moon so if you are going to the moon pack enough food,water,and stuff to doSpace shuttles can't go to the moon. They only are made to be in earth orbit. The various Apollo missions that went to the moon took about 3 days to reach it. Space shuttles takes approximately eight minutes to reach space.