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Q: What 4 things would you find in sedimentary?
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What sedimentary rock would be formed from particles 2 to 4 centimeters in diameter cemented by a fine-grained matrix?

a sediment contains particles that range in diemeter from 2 to 4 cm. which sedimentary rock would be formed when this sediment is compressed and cemented

What are the 4 types of sedimentary rocks?

There are only 3 types of sedimentary rocks and they are...Clastic RocksChemical RocksOrganic rocks

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Things made out of water would be icerainprecipitation

4 kinds of sedimentary rocks?

Limestone, sandstone, mudstone and chalk.

What are 4 sedimentary rocks?

Sandstone, limestone, shale, gypsum, & conglomerate

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okay, this one is a tuffy yet simple. i have 4 tips that would be: 1. be yourself, 2, find things in common, and 3. talk to him and his friends. 4. stare at him.

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What are the 4 main rocks of sedimentary rock?

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A layer of sedimentary rock is 2 meters thick how many years did it take for this layer to form if an average of 4 millimeters of sediment accumulated per year?

It is impossible to derive an answer from the information provided. At first glance it would appear that the answer would be 500 years; in actuality, the sediments that created the sedimentary rock would have been substantially compressed during the lithification process, resulting in a rock thickness that was less than the initial sediment thickness, depending on the type of sediment.

Why would someone go to the extreme of telling a lie and then drive the police to the place where she said she worked for 4 years only to find that she had not worked there?

I don't know. People do the strangest things

A sedimentary rock is 2 m thick. How many years did it take for this layer to form if an average of 4 mm of sediment accumulated per year?

It would have taken 500,000 years for the sedimentary rock layer to form, as 2 meters is equivalent to 2,000 mm and dividing by the accumulation rate of 4 mm per year gives 500,000 years.