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Cellular respiration produces carbon dioxide, water, and ATP.

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The four main products produced by the cell during cellular respiration are ATP (adenosine triphosphate), carbon dioxide (CO2), water (H2O), and heat. These products are essential for providing energy for cellular processes and maintaining metabolic functions in the body.

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Q: What 4 products are produced by the cell during cellular respiration?
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Is carbon dioxide a reactant in cellular respiration?

Yes, carbon dioxide is produced as a byproduct of cellular respiration in the mitochondria of cells. It is not a reactant in the initial steps of cellular respiration, but is produced during the Krebs cycle and then released as waste.

Is energy produced during respiration?

Yes. Mass quantity of energy in form of ATP is produced during cellular respiration.

The waste products of cellular respiration include?

The waste products of cellular respiration include carbon dioxide and water. Carbon dioxide is produced during the breakdown of glucose, while water is a byproduct of the electron transport chain in the mitochondria.

During cellular respiration what is produced?

Cellular respiration produces ATP from the breakdown of glucose. ATP, NADH, and FADH2 are produced in Glycolysis. NADH and ATP are produced in the Krebs cycle. And 32 ATP and water are produced in the Electron Transport Chain. The first stage of respiration, glycolysis, occurs in the cytoplasm. The later stages occur in the mitochondria.

What is produced during the process of cellular respiration?

During cellular respiration, cells produce energy in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) by breaking down glucose and other organic molecules in the presence of oxygen. Carbon dioxide and water are also produced as byproducts.

Is oxygen the name of the waste produced during cellular respiration yes of no?


What gas is produced during aerobic cellular respiration?

carbon dioxide

Where are NADH and FAHD from cellular respiration produced?

NADH is produced in the mitochondria during the citric acid cycle and the electron transport chain of cellular respiration. FADH2 is also produced in the mitochondria during the citric acid cycle.

What are the products of cellular resparation?

The products of cellular respiration are carbon dioxide, water, and energy (in the form of ATP). Oxygen is also consumed during the process.

Is carbon dioxide a by-product of cellular respiration?

yes. NO. Glycolysis does not produce carbon dioxide. In aerobic respiration, carbon dioxide is produced in the citric acid (or Krebs cycle) which is a different step of the metabolic breakdown of glucose.

How does the excretory system support cellular respiration?

The excretory system helps remove waste products, such as carbon dioxide and water, that are produced during cellular respiration. By eliminating these waste products, the system helps maintain proper pH balance and prevent the buildup of harmful substances that could interfere with cellular respiration. This allows cells to continue producing energy efficiently.

During what stage of cellular respiration is the most of the apt produced?

the kreb's cycle