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Q: What 3 changes that occur during an infant's first year for physical motor developmental areas?
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What do you call the process during which an organism experiences dramatic changes in form as it grows?

That process is called metamorphosis. It involves a series of developmental stages that may include distinct physical changes in the organism's appearance.

Can new compounds form during a physical change?

No, physical changes involve the rearrangement of atoms or molecules without altering their chemical composition. New compounds are not formed during physical changes.

How do the particles that make up matter compare during physical and chemical changes?

During physical changes, the particles that make up matter remain the same and only their arrangement or state changes. In contrast, during chemical changes, the particles undergo a rearrangement or bonding at the atomic level, resulting in the formation of new substances with different properties.

What are changes happen to the food?

Food undergoes physical, chemical, and biological changes during storage and preparation. Physical changes may include freezing, heating, or grinding. Chemical changes involve oxidation, browning, or fermentation. Biological changes occur when microbes grow and spoil the food.

Is baking a cake physical or chemical changes?

Baking a cake involves both physical and chemical changes. The physical changes include mixing the ingredients, changing the shape and texture of the batter, and the evaporation of water during baking. The chemical changes occur when the heat causes the baking powder to react, creating bubbles that make the cake rise, and when proteins and starches denature and coagulate during baking.

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What changes take place during infancy?

During infancy, significant physical, cognitive, and emotional changes occur. Infants rapidly grow physically, develop their sensory abilities, start to gain control over their movements, and achieve developmental milestones such as grasping objects and babbling. Cognitive development also advances as infants begin to learn about their environment, recognize faces, and understand cause and effect. Emotionally, infants form attachments to caregivers, express basic emotions like joy and distress, and begin to develop a sense of trust.

What do you call the process during which an organism experiences dramatic changes in form as it grows?

That process is called metamorphosis. It involves a series of developmental stages that may include distinct physical changes in the organism's appearance.

How many developmental stages to individual passes through during a lifetime?

An individual typically passes through four key developmental stages in a lifetime: infancy, childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. These stages are characterized by physical, cognitive, emotional, and social changes that occur as a person grows and matures.

How can you tell if a physical reaction is occuring?

During a physical change the chemical molecule is not affected; physical changes are changes of phase or form.

What is a developmental similarity?

A developmental similarity refers to shared characteristics or processes that occur during growth and maturation in organisms. It can include similarities in physical traits, behavior, or developmental stages between different species or individuals within a species.

What is developmental task?

A physical or cognitive skill that a person must accomplish during a particular age period to continue development.

Which property of matter changes during a chemical change but does not changes during a physical change?

The composition of matter changes during a chemical change as new substances are formed with different chemical properties. In contrast, the composition of matter remains the same during a physical change, with only the physical state or appearance of the substance being altered.

What are some physical changes during puberty?

Boy: deeper

Can new compounds form during a physical change?

No, physical changes involve the rearrangement of atoms or molecules without altering their chemical composition. New compounds are not formed during physical changes.

Can a substance produced during a physical change easily change back?

Yes. Chemical changes are irreversible, but physical changes can easily be changed back

What physical changes happens during evaporation?

The transformation of a liquid to a gas.