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Wind and water.

Air currents (wind) carry heat poleward. This is mainly heat transfer by convection.

Water currents carry heat poleward. This is heat transfer by convection and conduction.

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Q: What 2 processes transport Earths energy surpluses poleward from the tropics?
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What tropics are in the Philippines?

No, the tropics are larger than the Philippines (they run round the whole planet north and south of the Equator. Thus the question should be :- "Are the Philippines in the tropics" The answer to that question is "Yes" (see the map of the tropics in the related link below.

Do tornadoes or hurricanes occur in the tropics?

Hurricanes occur in the tropics, while tornadoes can occur in various regions, including the tropics. In the tropics, tornadoes are less common compared to hurricanes due to the different atmospheric conditions that typically favor the formation of hurricanes over tornadoes.

Are the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn line of latitude or longitude?

The tropics of Capricorn and Cancer are lines of latitude.

How are convection currents in the mantle and the convection currents in the ocean similar?

Mantle convection is the slow creeping motion of Earth's rocky mantle caused by convection currents carrying heat from the interior of the earth to the surface while convection current in ocean in; Solar radiation affects the oceans: warm water from the Equatortends to circulate toward the poles, while cold polar water heads towards the Equator. The surface currents are initially dictated by surface wind conditions. The trade winds blow westward in the tropics, and the westerlies blow eastward at mid-latitudes. This wind pattern applies a stress to the subtropical ocean surface with negative curl across the Northern Hemisphere, and the reverse across the Southern Hemisphere. The resulting Sverdrup transport is equator ward.Because of conservation of potential vorticity caused by the poleward-moving winds on the subtropical ridge's western periphery and the increased relative vorticity of poleward moving water, transport is balanced by a narrow, accelerating poleward current, which flows along the western boundary of the ocean basin, outweighing the effects of friction with the cold western boundary current which origniates from high latitudes

Where does sunny weather occur?

Sunny weather occurs whereever the sun doth shine. Incorrect it may sound however tis true. On the other hand its duration in a particular region or area can dwindle significantly. You can never go wrong with the Tropics, sunny, and breezy weather year round. Moving or travelling pole ward (away from the equator towards the poles) decreases this likehood as the intensity of the suns rays diminish gradually as you move poleward .

Related questions

Map of the tropics?

show the tropics on a map

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What lines of latitude are the the tropics?

they are the tropics of cancer and Capricorn

Where do large scale weather systems develop and why are they important?

Large scale weather systems that transport surface cold air toward the tropics and surface warm air toward the poles.

Which occurs in the tropics Tornadoes or hurricanes?

Both can occur in the tropics. However it is hurricanes that almost exclusively form in the tropics.

How weathering and in humid tropics region occur?

Weathering in humid tropics regions occurs due to the wet and warm conditions that promote chemical weathering processes, such as hydrolysis and oxidation. The abundant rainfall and high temperatures accelerate the breakdown of rocks and minerals, leading to the formation of clay minerals and oxide deposits. Additionally, the lush vegetation in humid tropics can contribute to physical weathering through root penetration and biological activity.

A sentence with the word tropics in it?

I go to the tropics every summer

How do you make tropics on classic alchemy?


When was Miami Tropics created?

Miami Tropics was created in 2006.

Where does the Gulf Stream get its warmth?

the gulf stream gets its warmth from the tropics

Is most of brazil located in te tropics?

Yes, most of the parts in Brazil is located in the tropics.

Is cuba completely in the tropics?

Yes, Cuba is located in the beautiful tropics.