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You would need to look at the specific map that you are referring to. It would depend on how the mapmaker chose to depict the terrain, and the scale of the map.

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Q: What 2 lines of longitude lie on either side of the number 7 on the Canada political map?
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What is the maximum number of degrees of longitude?

The maximum number of degrees of longitude is 360 degrees, covering the full circumference of the Earth from east to west. Longitude lines run vertically from the North Pole to the South Pole, with the Prime Meridian at 0 degrees longitude.

What number of degrees is the line of longitude on the other side of the Earth from the line at 0 degrees longitude?

The line of longitude on the opposite side of the Earth from the Prime Meridian (0 degrees longitude) is at 180 degrees longitude. This line is also known as the 180th meridian or the International Date Line.

What is the rules to find the difference of longitude?

The difference in longitude between two places is:Absolute value of [ (one longitude) minus (the other longitude) ].The easist way to calculate it is as follows:--> If both points are in the same hemisphere(both east longitude or both west longitude):-- Subtract the smaller number from the larger number.--> If the points are in different hemispheres(one east longitude and one west longitude):-- Add the two numbers.-- Subtract the result from 360.

How do you calculate time from latitude and longitude?

Take for example: 75°57′8″W, a line of longitude. We all know that lines of longitude measure the time zones. There are 360 degrees of longitude, and there are 24 hours in a day. Therefore, an hour would be 15 degrees longitude (360/24). 75° would be the number of degrees of longitude. If we take 75 and divide it by 15, we get the number of hours that we want, in this case, 5 hours. 57′ would be the number of minutes. 8″ would be the number of seconds. Sometimes, there are even milliseconds. They are the decimals after the number of

What is the meridian of longitude?

A meridian of longitude is an imaginary line made up of all the points on earth that have the same longitude, whatever that number is. If you draw any meridian of longitude on a globe, it looks like a solid half-circle between the north and south poles.

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IS 3756S14975E the longitude or laditude of Genoa River?

It doesnt look like either as it is such a large number, but if anything it would be the longitude as it has E for east. Latitude would be N/S.

What is the number of political divisions in Canada?

Thirteen! Ten provinces plus three territories equal thirteen!

Do the same number of horses race in a horse race in US and Canada?

There is no fixed number of entries in either US or Canada. Depends on the track, the conditions, and the horses that are available.

What is the maximum number of degrees of longitude?

The maximum number of degrees of longitude is 360 degrees, covering the full circumference of the Earth from east to west. Longitude lines run vertically from the North Pole to the South Pole, with the Prime Meridian at 0 degrees longitude.

Is there a political party in Canada that is majority?

In terms of number of representation in the Parliament of Canada, the Conservative Party of Canada enjoys a majority in both the appointed Senate (with 60 out of 105 senators), and the elected House of Commons (with 163 out of 308seats).

Which longitude coordinate is the closest to the prime meridian?

The Prime Meridian itself is defined as zero longitude. (0°) You can't get any closer to it than that. The higher the number of degrees of longitude, the farther a given longitude is from the prime meridian. The maximum is 180° either east or west. There is no minimum. Whatever longitude you name, no matter how close it is to the Prime Meridian, I can always name one that's closer to it than yours is. It's like asking "What is the smallest number ?" There's no such thing.

Is Mexico near longitude or latitude?

Every point on Earth has 1 longitude number and 1 latitude number. The center of Mexico City is located at roughly 19.44° north latitude 99.13° west longitude.

What is longitude on a map?

Longitude is the number of degrees east or west along a line of latitude from the prime meridian.

What city has its latitude and longitude as prime numbers?

The city with latitude and longitude as prime numbers is Honolulu, Hawaii. Its latitude is approximately 21.3° N, which is a prime number, and its longitude is approximately 157.8° W, which is also a prime number.

How can you tell where your 2002 Camry was bult?

If you VIN number starts with "J" it means it was produced in Japan. If it starts with a number it means it was produced either in Canada, Mexico or US.

What number longitude is closest to the prime meridian?


In which continent do you find highest number of longitude?
