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This is thermal radiation of the Sun.

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Q: Were does the energy come from that evaporate water on the earth?
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Where does the energy come from that evaporate water on the earth?

from the wind

Does the energy from evaporation come from the sun?

Yes, the energy for evaporation primarily comes from the sun. Solar energy heats up the Earth's surface, causing water to evaporate and enter the atmosphere as water vapor.

What does energy that powers the water cycle comes from?

The energy that powers the water cycle comes from the sun. Solar energy causes water to evaporate from the Earth's surface, forming clouds and eventually leading to precipitation like rain or snow.

Where does the energy to power the water cycle come from?

The water cycle requires heat energy. It comes from sun.

Does the energy for evaporation come from the sun?

Yes, the energy for evaporation primarily comes from the sun. Sunlight heats the surface of water, causing the water molecules to gain enough energy to break free from the liquid phase and become water vapor in the atmosphere.

Does water need sunlight to evaporate?

No, water does not need sunlight to evaporate. The primary factor that drives evaporation is heat energy, which can come from various sources, not just sunlight. Evaporation occurs when water molecules gain enough energy to escape from the liquid and enter the air as a gas.

Does hydroelectric energy come from the sun?

Technically, hydroelectric energy ultimately comes from the sun. This is because the sun's energy heats up water, moving water through the water cycle. Hydroelectric energy is generated by harnessing the power created by the movement of this water.

Where does the energy come from to cause evaporation?

The energy comes from the Sun, which heats the surface of the water, causing the water molecules to gain enough kinetic energy to break free from the liquid state and evaporate into the atmosphere.

Where did the heat come from to evaporate the water from sea water?

the undersea volcanoes.

What layer of the earth does geothermal energy come from?

Geothermal energy comes from the Earth's mantle, which is located between the crust and the core. Heat from the Earth's interior is transferred to the surface through volcanic activity and geothermal reservoirs, which can be tapped for energy production.

Where does the heat to evaporate sea water come from?

Primarily, from the sun.

Where does radiant energy transmitted to earth come from?

Radiant energy transmitted to Earth primarily comes from the Sun. The Sun emits electromagnetic radiation across a broad spectrum, including visible light, ultraviolet light, and infrared radiation. This radiant energy is responsible for heating the Earth and driving various natural processes.