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continental margins near the mouths of rivers

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1w ago

The thickest deposits of terrigenous sediment typically form in areas close to continental margins, where there is a high input of sediment from rivers, glaciers, and wind. These areas can include continental shelves, slopes, and fans.

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Q: Were do the thickest deposits of terrigenous sediment typically form?
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The thickest sedimentary deposits are found?

The thickest sedimentary deposits are typically found in basins and troughs where large amounts of sediment have accumulated over millions of years. These areas can include deep ocean basins, continental rift zones, and areas where rivers deposit sediment such as deltas. The sediment can accumulate to great thickness due to tectonic activity, climate changes, or the presence of large amounts of sediment sources.

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the thickest accumulation of sediment on the ocean floor is at the CONTINENTAL SLOPES AND RISES. :)

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