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it might or might no be, one would have to know the yields of the 20 bombs as well as which eruption of vesuvius you are asking about. there is no such thing as a "typical" nuclear bomb yield or volcanic eruption.

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1mo ago

No, the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in AD 79 was not equivalent to 20 nuclear bombs. The power released by a nuclear bomb is far greater in terms of energy and destructive capabilities compared to a volcanic eruption. The eruption of Vesuvius resulted in devastation in the surrounding area, but it did not cause the same level of widespread destruction as 20 nuclear bombs.

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Q: Was vesuvius eruption the same as 20 nuclear bombs?
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Town which was buried by the eruption of mount vesuvius in ad 79?

Pompeii was the town that was buried by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in AD 79. The volcanic ash preserved the town, providing a unique glimpse into Roman life during that time period. Excavations of Pompeii have revealed a well-preserved snapshot of ancient daily life.

What are the four volcanoes?

The four most famous volcanoes known as the "Four Volcanoes" are Mount Etna in Italy, Kilauea in Hawaii, Mount Fuji in Japan, and Mount Vesuvius in Italy. Each of these volcanoes is known for its unique characteristics and historical significance.

How did Pompeii protect themselves from mt vesuvius?

Pompeii did not have a protective wall or system in place to shield itself from the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD. The sudden and powerful eruption buried the city under a thick layer of ash and pumice, ultimately leading to its destruction.

How do you compare and contrast mount saint helens and Mount Vesuvius?

Similarities: They are both volcanoes, they are both stratovolcanoes, they both killed people, they both erupted, they both made huge ash clouds, they both made tremors, both had magma with high viscosity

Why did Mount Vesuvius cause so much damage?

Because they did not have the same knowledge of a volcano as we do today and could not outrun the eruption. If they weren't killed from the initial eruption, they would be killed by the ash and pumice rock that came pelting down from the sky. It wasn't safe for them to stay in their houses either because the pumice rock would accumulate and cause the house to cave in.

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Pompeii was the town that was buried by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in AD 79. The volcanic ash preserved the town, providing a unique glimpse into Roman life during that time period. Excavations of Pompeii have revealed a well-preserved snapshot of ancient daily life.

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It is difficult to determine the exact number of nuclear bombs it would take to kill everyone in the world, as many factors such as location and size of the bombs would come into play. However, it is estimated that a few hundred strategically placed nuclear bombs could have catastrophic global consequences.

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