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No voyager 2 or two was the only spacecraft to visit Neptune.

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1w ago

As of now, only Voyager 2 has visited Neptune. There are no other spacecraft that have been sent to Neptune.

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Q: Was there any other spacecraft to visit Neptune?
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What was the first spacecraft the visited Neptune?

the first space craft to go any where near Neptune was Voyager 2 on August 25, 1989

What spaceships have been to Neptune?

To date, no spacecraft has been to Neptune. However, the Voyager 2 spacecraft performed a flyby of Neptune in 1989, providing valuable data and images of the planet and its moons. The New Horizons spacecraft, known for its Pluto flyby, is currently on its way to explore other objects in the Kuiper Belt and beyond, but it is not scheduled to visit Neptune.

Is there any spacecraft that will visit Makemake?

For the moment, no. But perhaps someday.

Does Neptune has liquid in it?

No neptune does not have any other kind of liquids on it. -reanni Jones

Has any spacecraft passed by Eris?

No. No spacecraft has gone past Eris, nor are there currently plans to send anything there.

Did you send any space missions to Eris?

We should send space probe just like New Horizons Spacecraft to Eris. So we can launch this spacecraft in 2015 to make Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune flybys then to Eris.

Does Neptune have any deserts?

No, Neptune is a gas planet and has no terra firma for a desert or any other land feature.

Did any space missions visit Neptune did they land or just fly by which ones?

Only one space probe went to or flew by Neptune which was Voyager 2.

What probe went to Neptune or did a flyby?

So far only one spacecraft has ever flown by Neptune and that was Voyager II in 1989. Neptune is extremely far away from the Sun, and getting there would be highly expensive and take many years to get there, so it doesn't look likely we'll be getting any more Neptune probes soon.

Did astronauts visit Neptune?

No. Astronauts have never been anywhere near any astronomical bodies except Earth and the Moon.