yes, 14 was killed 8 injured the cause was found to be a electric lamp that sparked and caused a explotion
Is disaster a adjective
The opposite of disaster is Truimph or success.
well it all deppens on the disaster you are talking about
Seveso disaster happened in 1976.
Knockshinnoch Disaster happened in 1950.
Minnie Pit Disaster happened in 1918.
Springwell Pit Disaster happened in 1872.
West Stanley Pit Disaster happened in 1909.
Astley Deep Pit Disaster happened in 1874.
an explosion
Chris Brown
121 people died
The Felling mine disaster occurred when firedamp ignited and the resulting coal dust explosion sent a devastating blast throughout the mine and up its two mine shafts, the John pit and the William pit, named after the Brandling brothers who owned the colliery.
pit PIT PiT pIt Pit
A homophone for "pit" is "pit"; for "cavity" it is "caveatty".
An ash pit is a pit for the disposal of ashes.