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Q: Was the pterodactyl us a carnivore herbivore or omnivore?
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What is the difference between a omnivore herbivore and carnivore?

Herbivore eats (digests) only plants, carnivore only (other) animals, and Omnivore (us, rats, pigs) can and will eat anything (omni = everything).

What can the teeth and jaw of an animal tell us?

Whether they are a carnivore, omnivore, or herbivore, and also what types of food they consumed, i.e for a herbivore, what types of plants they could eat.

Are you a carnivore omnivore or herbivore?

We are omnivores. We eat meat and plants! Don't mistake us for carnivores. Remember that we eat our veggies too!

How does coprolite help us determine if a dinosaur was a carnivore or herbivore?

The food remnants in the coprolite would tell whether the animal was a carnivore, herbivore, or omnivore. A carnivore's dung would not contain plant matter and would likely have bone fragments. An herbivore's dung would probably have some amount of undigested plant fibers left in it. An omnivore's would probably have a combination of plant and animal remnants, unless it had only eaten one of those recently.

What is a system of overlapping food chains called?

It has a food producer or food source and the herbivore and followed by carnivore and eventually human beings or omnivore Like : Plant (food producer)->herbivore (only eat plants) -> carnivore( eat meat only) -> human beings or omnivore (eat meat and plants like us)

what is the difference between herbivore omnivore and carnivore?

Herbivore eats (digests) only plants, carnivore only (other) animals, and Omnivore (us, rats, pigs) can and will eat anything (omni = everything).



Is a field mouse an omnivore carnivore or herbivore?

I think its a Consumer because it eats other things.

What is an example of trophic?

It is all living organisms, ranging from Autotrophic and and Heterotrophic; herbivore, carnivore and an omnivore. An example can be us as humans, as we eat and turn what we eat into energy. This also applies to plants and marine animals.

Is a stag a herbivore carnivore or omnivore?

Herbivores eat grasses and shrubs and leaves. Carnivores eat meat and omnivores like us can and will eat anything. A stag is a male that belongs to the deer family and the will eat grasses.

What the meaning of ornivore?

Omnivore is plant eater vs carnivore, a meat eater (or us)

How does coprolite help us determine if a dinosaur is a carnivore or herbivore?

Scientists can examine the contents in coprolites. If they contain bones, teeth, etc., then they can determine the animal was a carnivore. If they contain only certain minerals that can be traced to plants, with no bone, teeth, etc., they can determine the animal was more than likely an herbivore.