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No. At that stage, nobody knew cells existed so there were no theories about them.

The earliest 'microscope' was a lens developed by a Dutchman called Anthony van Leeuwenhoek. He used his lens to look at all sorts of things, and one morning he examined the plaque on his teeth before he drank his coffee and he saw movement. He tested again after he had had his coffee and found that no movement was visible any more. This odd thing inspired him and he made more and more powerful lenses and looked at more and more things.

He couldn't keep quiet about it and he told anyone who would listen and more people became involved in developing lenses and looking at the unseen world. When microscopes became powerful enough, cells were seen.

And now we have electron microscopes that can see things so small we can't really picture how tiny they are.

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Q: Was the microscope invented when the cell theory was developed?
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The instrument that was necessary for Cell Theory to be developed is the microscope.

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The microscope gave conclusions and observations to the cell theory. It showed how the cell looked and how it developed.

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Before the cell theory could be developed, the invention of the microscope in the 17th century was necessary. This allowed scientists like Robert Hooke and Anton van Leeuwenhoek to observe and describe various cellular structures. Additionally, advancements in staining techniques were needed to visualize cells more clearly.

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Hans and Zacharias Janssen invented the compound microscope in 1595.

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The light microscope came first, dating back to the 17th century. The electron microscope was developed in the 20th century, with the first electron microscope built in the 1930s.

Why was the cell discovered?

Because we had developed the microscope.

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The cell was not invented by a single person, but rather the cell theory was developed by multiple scientists including Matthias Schleiden, Theodor Schwann, and Rudolf Virchow in the 19th century.

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Robert Hookie, the person who invented the microscope and invented the cell.