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I'm not sure, but i know it had MANY deaths!

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The eruption of Mt. Tambora in 1815 was one of the most violent volcanic eruptions in history. It released immense amounts of volcanic ash, gases, and debris into the atmosphere, causing widespread devastation and affecting global climate patterns for years.

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Very loud.

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Q: Was the eruption of Mt Tambora violet or quiet?
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Is mt tambora glaciated?

No, Mt Tambora is not glaciated. Mount Tambora is not very tall and is in a very warm climate zone.

What type of fault is Mt Tambora?

Mt Tambora is on a Tectonic fault line called the Jave Trench System. Mt Tambora is an active stratovolcano. It is located in Indonesia.

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Mount Fuji has not had a violent eruption in recorded history. Its last known eruption was in 1707-1708, which was a moderate and relatively quiet event.

When did mt Tambora last erupt?

Mount Tambora last erupted in 1815. The eruption was one of the largest in recorded history and had significant global effects.

What are the dangers of a quiet volcano?

A quiet volcano can be dangerous because it may not show traditional signs of an imminent eruption, making it difficult to predict when it will become active. This can lead to unexpected and sudden eruptions, putting nearby communities at risk. Additionally, a quiet volcano may still release harmful gases, such as sulfur dioxide, without any visible signs of activity, posing health hazards to those living in the vicinity.

What is the current threat of Mount Tambora?

Mount Tambora is an active volcano located in Indonesia known for its devastating eruption in 1815, the most powerful in recorded history. While it is closely monitored, there is currently no imminent threat of eruption. However, it remains a potential hazard due to its active status and past destructive behavior.

What is the world's strongest volcanio eruption?

Im not sure, but it must be between, the Krakatoa or Tambora(most probable), in Indonesia, or mt Vesuvius in pompei Italy

Is Mount Tambora an Active volcano dormant volcano or an extinct volcano?

Mount Tambora is classified as an active volcano. Although it last erupted in 1815, resulting in the largest eruption in recorded history, it is still considered active because it has the potential to erupt again in the future.

What kind of volcano is Mt. Tambora?

Mt. Tambora is a stratovolcano, also known as a composite volcano. Stratovolcanoes are characterized by steep, symmetrical slopes and periodic explosive eruptions. Mt. Tambora famously erupted in 1815, leading to a significant global cooling event known as the "Year Without a Summer."