Scientists are unsure what the dodo's diet consisted of. Some sailors report seeing the dodo catching fish in shallow water pools. However it is likely that the dodo bird actually ate fruits and seeds. This would mean that the dodo was a herbivore or, if they really did eat fish, an omnivore.
No,the dodo bird is a herbivor.
A Skunk is an omnivore.
Omnivore in French is spelled "omnivore".
Dodo Newton is 5' 5".
An omnivore.
unfortunately dodo's do not fly and dodo's are easy to catch because they are fearless from humans
as chicken as a dodo
They do not have prey but they eat off of "Dodo trees". The Dodo is extinct
The dodo has been extinct since the 17th century. Hence the phrase, 'dead as a dodo'.
Dodo's are flightless birds.
The word dodo does not have an opposite.
It is the head belonging to a dodo.
No, the dodo is extinct.
It just do-does
Dodo?? Actually??
Dodo's are extinct