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No. If Pluto was ever blown up it would make breakignews everywhere and chunks of it would hit the Earth and kill us all. ==D----------------------

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1w ago

Pluto has not been blown up, nor is there any current plan to do so. It remains a dwarf planet at the edge of our solar system.

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Q: Was Pluto been blown up yet or is not going to be blown up?
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Aircraft travel through the air, not through space, so they can't go to Pluto. No spacecraft have been to Pluto yet, although one is on the way.

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No probes have been to Pluto yet, but the New Horizons probe is currently on the way there.

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Not yet, the New Horizons is on its way.

Has Pluto been bomd up yet?

no u mong and learn how to spell

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Pluto is one such planet that has not yet been reached by a space probe.

How many robots went to Pluto?

No robots have been to Pluto just yet. However, come July 2015, the spacecraft New Horizons will arrive to study Pluto and it's moons.

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None have yet been to Pluto. The New Horizons spacecraft it currently heading towards it but will not get there until 2015.

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The only planet that has not been visited by a spacecraft is Pluto, which is classified as a dwarf planet.

Is there a new planet on the solar system?

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