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Because of Earth's shape and the fact that it spins with a tilted axis as it orbits the Sun.

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How does an active volcano effect earths surface?

an active volcano affects the surface because of where the place is located

Does the distance from the equator usually affect the climate of a place?

the farther a place is from the equator, the less directly the sun hits it, because the earth's axis is tilted. this varying amount of sunlight affects the climate.

What words have to do with earths weather or atmosphere?

Meteorology, climate, atmosphere, weather patterns.

Where does condensation in the water cycle take place?

It takes place on Earths atmosphere =)

Where does condensation take place in water cycle?

It takes place on Earths atmosphere =)

Related questions

What are the factors that contributes to the earths climate?

it depends on air pressure and where is place located (tropical-hot climate etc

Is it true or false that the conditions of earths atmosphere at a particular time and place id called climate?

False. The conditions of Earth's atmosphere at a particular time and place are referred to as weather, not climate. Climate describes the average weather conditions over a longer period of time in a specific region.

Why is Jamaica's climate called the tropical climate?

because it is a hot place


they have this type of climate because of the place where you live

Why do the central plains have extremes of climate reason?

they have this type of climate because of the place where you live

How does the altitude affect the climate of a place?

The altitudde of a place affect the country's climate because wind blows moisture from the ocean up the side of the mountain.

How does the altitude of the place affect the countries climate?

The altitudde of a place affect the country's climate because wind blows moisture from the ocean up the side of the mountain.

How does the altitude of a place affect the country's climate?

The altitude of a place affects the country's climate by impacting temperature, precipitation, and air pressure. Generally, as altitude increases, temperature decreases, which can lead to cooler climates. Additionally, higher altitudes often result in increased precipitation due to orographic effects, where moist air rises and cools, leading to condensation and precipitation.

How does temperature and precipation differ from place to place?

it deffers because as you travel from place to place, you may see some different whether then were you live.That is because the whether is never the same in another place than another place

Why does dangerous weather occur in certain places?

Because the climate of that place is like that

Why do meteorologists describe the climate of a place only after studying it for many years?


What is the Pakistan's climate?

Because Pakistan is in temperate zone its climate varies from place to place. Most of the areas of Pakistan witness very hot summers and extreme cold winters.