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What is respirations wastes products

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Jaunita Hand

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2y ago
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What are 2 waste products of muscles?

the are 3 different respirations but in aerobic the waste product is C02 in anaerobic the waste product from the muscles is lactic acid.

What cell respiration waste product?

Water and CO2.

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What is the waste product of cells?

In a normal hydrogen oxygen fuel cell, the waste products are water, and heat

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What goes to the lungs then to the cell?

Carbon dioxide, Waste product, goes from the cell to the lungs. So the question is lung to the cell, not positive, but oxygen.

Why is a crabon dioxide considered a waste product of the cell?

Carbon dioxide is considered a waste product of cells because it is produced as a byproduct of cellular respiration, where cells generate energy by breaking down glucose. The carbon dioxide produced needs to be eliminated from the cell to prevent toxic buildup and maintain proper pH balance within the cell.

Are carbon dioxcide and urea allowed out of a cell?

Yes definitely, they are waste product that are eventually released from your body.

What term does not belong in this grouping collagen cell matrix cell product?

Product does not belong in this grouping, as collagen, cell, and matrix are all related to biological components, whereas product is a general term not specifically related to biology or cells.

What is the removal of solid cell waste called?

The removal of solid cell waste from a cell is called exocytosis. This process involves the fusion of vesicles containing waste materials with the cell membrane, releasing the waste outside of the cell.

Does the cell membrane remove waste from the cell?

No, the cell membrane does not remove waste from the cell. Waste removal is typically carried out by other organelles within the cell, such as lysosomes or vacuoles, or by the cell expelling waste through processes like exocytosis. The main function of the cell membrane is to regulate the passage of substances into and out of the cell.

When a cell makes waste the waste moves out of a cell why?

because the cell doppesnt need the waste anymoooreee one direction rocks