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Q: Volcanoes most commonly form A. in Earth's polar regions. B. near tectonic plate boundaries. C. along Earth's equator. D. in the middle of tectonic plates.?
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What is all the volcanoes under the equator?

The Equator passes through several volcanic regions, such as the Andes in South America, the East African Rift, and the Indonesian Archipelago. Some well-known volcanoes located near the Equator include Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, Cotopaxi in Ecuador, and Mount Tambora in Indonesia. These volcanoes exhibit different levels of activity and are monitored closely due to their potential hazards.

Do earthquakes happen near the equator?

Yes, earthquakes can happen near the equator. The occurrence of earthquakes is not limited to specific regions and can happen anywhere along tectonic plate boundaries, including those near the equator. The factors that contribute to earthquakes, such as plate movement and interactions, can be present in equatorial regions.

Which two volcanoes named on the map are south of the equator?

Two volcanoes which are on the map south of the equator are the Chimborazo volcano and the Cayambe volcano.

Earthquakes and volcanoes located near the equator through south america and africa?

These earthquakes and volcanoes are primarily located along the boundary of the South American and African tectonic plates. The movement of these plates generates seismic activity and magma that leads to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in the region. This area is known for its high level of seismic and volcanic activity due to the complex interactions between these major tectonic plates.

Are there volcanoes around the equator?

no because the equator is just an imaginary line

Related questions

What is all the volcanoes under the equator?

The Equator passes through several volcanic regions, such as the Andes in South America, the East African Rift, and the Indonesian Archipelago. Some well-known volcanoes located near the Equator include Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, Cotopaxi in Ecuador, and Mount Tambora in Indonesia. These volcanoes exhibit different levels of activity and are monitored closely due to their potential hazards.

Which two volcanoes named on the map are south of the equator?

Two volcanoes which are on the map south of the equator are the Chimborazo volcano and the Cayambe volcano.

Earthquakes and volcanoes located near the equator through south america and africa?

These earthquakes and volcanoes are primarily located along the boundary of the South American and African tectonic plates. The movement of these plates generates seismic activity and magma that leads to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in the region. This area is known for its high level of seismic and volcanic activity due to the complex interactions between these major tectonic plates.

Why do earthquakes happen on the equator?

because of all the tectonic plates.

Are there volcanoes around the equator?

no because the equator is just an imaginary line

What volcanoes are below the equator?

Some examples of volcanoes located below the equator are Mount Etna in Italy, Piton de la Fournaise in Reunion Island, Cotopaxi in Ecuador, and Mount Ruapehu in New Zealand.

What is warmer near the equator than near the poles?

The equator is the center of Earth. In the center of the Earth it is very hot because of all of the under ground volcanoes.

Do earthquakes happen near the equator?

Yes, earthquakes can happen near the equator. The occurrence of earthquakes is not limited to specific regions and can happen anywhere along tectonic plate boundaries, including those near the equator. The factors that contribute to earthquakes, such as plate movement and interactions, can be present in equatorial regions.

Why India has evidence of glaciers that are more than 240 million years old even though it is located on the equator?

At one point the tectonic plates moved the glaciers to the equator. That's how the glaciers moved.

Does the earths axis the equator and the prime meridian effect the start of the volcanoes erupting?

The Earth's axis is always the same in relation to the Universe. The Sun has a pull on the Earth and may have more of a pull on the magma when the volcano is facing the Sun. The volcano's distance to the equator may make a difference in the rate of eruption and explosiveness of the eruption as there is more centripetal force propelling the magma at the equator than at the pole. The prime meridian really has nothing to do with the erupting of volcanoes except that certain places on Earth are more likely to have faults in the crust, which is the cause of volcanoes.

Was Antarctica ever close to the equator in its history?

Yes, millions of years ago, Antarctica was located closer to the equator within a warmer climate. This was due to the shifting of tectonic plates and changes in Earth's orbit and axial tilt.

Was the continent of Antarctica once close to the equator?

Yes, millions of years ago Antarctica was located closer to the equator. Over time, the movement of tectonic plates caused the continent to drift to its current location in the southern hemisphere.