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4mo ago

Viruses can reproduce only inside living host cells. They rely on the host cell's machinery to replicate and produce more copies of the virus.

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Do viruses only reproduce inside living things?

Yes, viruses require a host cell to replicate and reproduce. They cannot reproduce on their own and rely on hijacking a host cell's machinery to produce new viral particles.

What structure differentiates from a bacteria?

In terms of what ? I u are asking about bacteria in terms of viruses Bacteria are living and can reproduce themselves While viruses are ghosts they can only live inside a host and also can reproduce inside it Hope i answered u

Are Viruses able to reproduce without using other organisms?

viruses are dormant when they are not inside a living cell. that means they don't have living characteristics when outside a living cell. they only reproduce when they are inside a living cell.

What circumstances can viruses reproduce?

Viruses can reproduce inside host cells by hijacking the cellular machinery to make copies of themselves. They cannot replicate on their own and require a host organism to reproduce.

What organism that can reproduce only inside a host cell?

A virus is an organism that can reproduce only inside a host cell. They hijack the cellular machinery of the host cell to replicate their genetic material and produce new virus particles.

Viruses depend on living things for what?

Viruses depend on living cells because they reproduce inside of them.

Why would viruses not grow on milk?

Viruses require living cells to replicate and grow. Milk does not contain living cells, so viruses cannot infect or reproduce in milk. Additionally, milk has natural defense mechanisms, such as enzymes and antibodies, that can inhibit the growth of viruses.

Bacteria and viruses do not have a nucleus what helps them reproduce?

Bacteria reproduce by a process called binary fission, where the cell divides into two identical daughter cells. Viruses reproduce by infecting a host cell and hijacking its machinery to produce more viruses.

Do viruses reproduce inside host cells causing them to burst?

Yes, viruses can reproduce inside host cells by hijacking the host cell's machinery to make copies of themselves. This can cause the host cell to burst, releasing the newly formed viruses to infect other cells.

What is the only thing that viruses have in common with living things?

They reproduce.

Can non-living things reproduce?

No, non-living things do not have the ability to reproduce. Reproduction is a biological process that involves the creation of new individuals from existing ones, and non-living things lack the necessary biological mechanisms for reproduction.

What is the only life function that viruses share with a cell?

The ability to replicate is the only life function that viruses share with cells. Viruses cannot carry out other metabolic processes on their own and rely on a host cell to reproduce.