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Q: Veins are often formed from hot water solutions.?
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Veins are often formed from hot water solutions. true or false?


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How is fluorite formed?

Fluorite is formed as the result of violently rising hydrothermal solutions (water & melted minerals) containing calcium & fluorine. As these solutions erupted towards the surface they formed dikes (pegmatites) & filled fissures & faults (metasomatic & igneous rocks) along the way. PICTURES OF FLURITE

How are water based solutions formed?

Water-based solutions are formed by dissolving a solute in water, where the water molecules surround and disperse the solute particles. This process occurs due to the polar nature of water molecules, which allows them to interact with the charged or polar molecules of the solute. The resulting solution is homogeneous, with the solute evenly distributed throughout the water.

What can you do at home about the popping veins in your feet and hands?

To take care of the veins in your feet and hands at home, you can remember to drink plenty of water and to exercise regularly. Drinking water helps to keep your fluid balanced in your body and will often make veins less visible.

What is formed when solutions of zinc sulfate and sodium phosphate are mixed?

When solutions of zinc sulfate and sodium phosphate are mixed, zinc phosphate is formed. Zinc phosphate is a white solid that precipitates out of the solution because it is insoluble in water.

How is Amazonite formed?

Amazonite is formed in pegmatite dikes or in hydrothermal veins. It is a type of feldspar mineral that is typically formed through a combination of potassium, aluminum, and other elements within these geological environments. The distinctive blue-green color of amazonite is often attributed to traces of lead and water within its crystal structure.

What are the differences between aqueous solutions and non-aqueous solutions?

Aqueous solutions are solutions where water is the solvent, while non-aqueous solutions are solutions where the solvent is not water. Aqueous solutions are more common and have unique properties due to the presence of water. Non-aqueous solutions can use solvents like acetone, ethanol, or toluene, and are often used in specialized applications.

How do veins form?

pure metals that crystallize from hot water solutions underground often form veins.Veins form when rock collides with another rock and the rock that collide pushes the other rock untill only a little bit of it is left

True or false viens minerals were once in solution?

True. Veins minerals are deposited from solutions like water that flow through cracks in rocks, carrying dissolved minerals which crystallize and form veins as the solution evaporates or cools.

What kind of sedimentary rock is made from solutions of dissolve minerals and water?

Some limestones are made by precipitation of dissolved calcium carbonate. Some cherts are formed from dissolved silicates in thermal springs and evaporite minerals, such as gypsum and rock salt (halite) are formed by evaporation of water from solutions of dissolved minerals.

Will 2 aq solutions make a participate?

When two aqueous solutions are mixed, a precipitation reaction may occur if the products formed are insoluble in water. Whether a precipitate forms depends on the solubility of the compounds involved. If a solid product is formed, it is called a precipitate.