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Q: Under a microscope you can see that it is multicellular and its cells have no chloroplasts to carry out photosynthesis?
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Can you observe any chloroplast in the onion cell using microscope?

No, you cannot observe chloroplasts in onion cells because onion cells do not contain chloroplasts. Onions belong to a group of plants known as monocots, which typically lack chloroplasts in their cells. Chloroplasts are mostly found in the cells of green plants that undergo photosynthesis.

If you looked under a microscope and saw a cell with a cell wall and chloroplasts you would know that the cell is?

A plant cell. The presence of a cell wall and chloroplasts is a characteristic feature of plant cells. Cell walls provide structural support while chloroplasts are responsible for photosynthesis.

How can someone confuse a protists with a plant?

Someone may confuse a protist with a plant due to their similar appearance under a microscope, such as having chloroplasts for photosynthesis. However, protists are a diverse group of eukaryotic organisms that don't fit neatly into plant, animal, or fungi classifications, while plants are multicellular, autotrophic organisms belonging to the Plantae kingdom.

A student wrote this description of a cell after looking at it under a microscope Which type of cell was the student most likely describing?

The student was most likely describing a plant cell. Plant cells typically have a cell wall, chloroplasts for photosynthesis, and a distinctive rectangular shape.

When observing the fungus under the light microscope the stundent stated that chloroplasts were you think that the student observation was correct?

The student's observation was not correct: fungi have no chloroplasts, plants do.

Related questions

What structure you can see in plant cell under the microscope light?

You can see chloroplasts and a nucleus under a light microscope.

Can you observe any chloroplast in the onion cell using microscope?

No, you cannot observe chloroplasts in onion cells because onion cells do not contain chloroplasts. Onions belong to a group of plants known as monocots, which typically lack chloroplasts in their cells. Chloroplasts are mostly found in the cells of green plants that undergo photosynthesis.

If you looked under a microscope and saw a cell with a cell wall and chloroplasts you would know that the cell is?

A plant cell. The presence of a cell wall and chloroplasts is a characteristic feature of plant cells. Cell walls provide structural support while chloroplasts are responsible for photosynthesis.

How can you tell that Euglena can carry out photosynthesis?

the cholroplast carries out photosynthesis in euglena

Why can't you see chloroplasts under microscope?

Chloroplasts are very small and transparent structures within plant cells, making them difficult to observe under a light microscope without staining. Additionally, they are easily disrupted during the preparation process for microscopy. Special techniques, such as electron microscopy, are often needed to visualize chloroplasts with detail.

How can someone confuse a protists with a plant?

Someone may confuse a protist with a plant due to their similar appearance under a microscope, such as having chloroplasts for photosynthesis. However, protists are a diverse group of eukaryotic organisms that don't fit neatly into plant, animal, or fungi classifications, while plants are multicellular, autotrophic organisms belonging to the Plantae kingdom.

What are the parts of leaves involved in photosynthsis?

chloroplasts. If you cut the leaf in half and look at it under a microscope, you will see some cells with green dots on them. these are the chloroplasts.

A student wrote this description of a cell after looking at it under a microscope Which type of cell was the student most likely describing?

The student was most likely describing a plant cell. Plant cells typically have a cell wall, chloroplasts for photosynthesis, and a distinctive rectangular shape.

When observing the fungus under the light microscope the stundent stated that chloroplasts were you think that the student observation was correct?

The student's observation was not correct: fungi have no chloroplasts, plants do.

Why are chloroplasts absent in onion epidermal cells and potato tubular cells?

Onion epidermal cells and potato tuber cells do not contain chloroplasts because they do not require photosynthesis for energy production. These cells mainly function in storage and support, so they do not need chloroplasts for the process of photosynthesis.

Why were the chloroplasts moving in the elodea cells?

Chloroplasts in elodea cells move in response to changes in light intensity to optimize photosynthesis. This movement helps position the chloroplasts for maximum light absorption, improving the plant's ability to produce energy.

If you examine an unknown cell under the microscope what can you infer about the organism from which it came?

You can infer the basic structure and characteristics of the organism, such as shape, size, presence of organelles, and possibly its function (e.g., plant cell with chloroplasts for photosynthesis). Further tests would be needed for a more detailed identification.