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Human resources that are required in clinical research include test subjects willing to undergo the clinical research and doctors, nurses, and technicians who actually apply the techniques.

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Q: Types of human resources required in clinical research?
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What are the three different types of natural resources?

The three types of natural resources are renewable resources (like sunlight and wind), non-renewable resources (like fossil fuels and minerals), and flow resources (like water and air).

What is a resource in ecology?

In ecology, a resource is a substance or factor that is required for an organism to survive, grow, and reproduce. Resources can be divided into two types: abiotic (non-living) resources such as sunlight, water, and nutrients, and biotic (living) resources such as food and habitat. The availability and distribution of resources play a critical role in shaping ecosystems and influencing the interactions between species.

What is a body of information?

A body of information refers to a collection or set of organized data, facts, or knowledge on a particular subject or topic. It can include various types of resources such as documents, reports, studies, and research findings that are gathered and cataloged for reference and analysis.

What is Clinical Trails?

Clinical trial is any research study that prospectively assigns human participants or groups of humans to one or more health-related involvement to evaluate the effects on health outcomes. Clinical research trials may be conducted by government health agencies such as NIH (National Institute of Health), researchers affiliated with a hospital or university medical program, independent researchers, or private industry. Clinical trial interventions include but are not restricted to: Experimental Drugs Cells and Other Biological Products Vaccines Medical Devices Surgical and Other Medical Treatments and Procedures Psychotherapeutic and Behavioural Therapies Health Service Changes Preventive Care Strategies and Educational Interventions. Researchers may also conduct clinical trials to evaluate diagnostic or screening tests and new ways to detect and treat disease. Types of Clinical TrialsThere are two main types of clinical trials: Observational clinical trials do not test drugs or treatments. Researchers observe participants by monitoring their health over a period of time. These studies provide researchers with data that advances our understanding of Parkinson’s and how to treat the disease. Interventional clinical trials test the safety and effectiveness of a candidate drug, therapy or experimental treatment. Clinical trials also can be classified as follows: Treatment trials Prevention trials Screening trials Quality of Life trials Genetics trials Phases in Clinical Trials: Phase 0: Number of Subjects (10-15) Phase I: Screening for safety: Number of Subjects (20-80) Phase II: preliminary efficacy of the drug: Number of Subjects (100-300) Phase III: Final confirmation of safety and efficacy: Number of Subjects (1000-3000) Phase IV: Post marketing studies.

What incident types are determined based on the number of resources?

amount of time

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