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Global warming or global climate change is a type of warming that shows the trend in the increasing temperature of Earth.

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Q: Type of warming mean that shows the trend in increasing temperature of earth?
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Can climate change be caused by earths position and volcanic activity?

Earth's position in its orbit can influence climate change through factors like orbital variations, but they are not the primary cause. Volcanic activity can contribute to short-term fluctuations in climate due to the release of gases and particles, but natural factors alone are not responsible for the current rapid global warming trend, which is largely driven by human activities like burning fossil fuels.

What is the slope of a velocity vs temperature graph?

The slope of a velocity vs temperature graph represents the change in velocity per unit change in temperature. It provides information on how velocity changes in response to changes in temperature.

What does fossil evidence show about Earth's climate?

Fossil evidence shows that Earth's climate has changed significantly over time, with periods of warming and cooling. By studying the fossils of plants and animals from different time periods, scientists can determine past climate conditions such as temperature and precipitation levels. This helps us better understand the factors that influence climate change and its potential impacts in the future.

If you could stop global warming will it be gone forever?

Stopping global warming entirely is difficult, but taking significant actions to mitigate it can slow down or even reverse some of its effects. Continuous efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and shift to sustainable practices can help manage global warming and its impacts in the long term.

What is the future for tornadoes considering climate change for global warming?

A warming climate means there is more energy in the atmosphere. This shows itself in more severe and more frequent weather events like tornadoes, cyclones and storms.

Related questions

How has the temperature of the earth changed?

The temperature of the earth has changed because of the atoms in the air has become polluted with poo fluids. Aspects of this shows that the earth is decresing in temperature according to the dogs and cats.

How does arbor day affect the earth?

On Earth Day, everyone shows awareness of 'earthy' things, like Global Warming and Polution, and we try out best not to do those kinds of things. If everyday was like that and we cared more about our earth, we wouldn't have to deal with Global Warming.

Why do you not believe in global warming?

No, because there is no actual proof that the temperature fluctuations that we are seeing are not a natural, cyclical process of the earth. In fact, the mean temp of the Earth is expected to decrease a couple of degrees in the next year or two. There is also the issue of when the planet started this cycle. The current warming trend that we see started 10,000 years before we started using and fossil fuels. Carbon dioxide has also never caused the temperatures of our planet to change. It has always followed temperature change. There is also a great deal of questions regarding the accuracy of the global temperature data. We are claiming a 0.2 degree increase in temperature since 1934, but the ability to hold these tolerances for global temperatures is not as accurate as the total claim. Finally, for me, the issue of no warming in the tropics or Antarctica is problematic. The bottom line is that there is no compelling evidence that I can see that shows the planet is doing anything un-natural.

Which graph that shows the general affect the differences in elevation above sea level have on the average annual temperature within the troposphere?

A graph that shows the general trend between differences in elevation above sea level and the average annual temperature within the troposphere would depict a decrease in temperature with increasing elevation. As you go higher in the troposphere, the temperature generally decreases due to the lapse rate, which results in cooler temperatures at higher elevations.

Can climate change be caused by earths position and volcanic activity?

Earth's position in its orbit can influence climate change through factors like orbital variations, but they are not the primary cause. Volcanic activity can contribute to short-term fluctuations in climate due to the release of gases and particles, but natural factors alone are not responsible for the current rapid global warming trend, which is largely driven by human activities like burning fossil fuels.

What is the general relationship between the temperature and the luminosity of main sequence stars?

The scatter plot of the relationship between a star's temperature and luminosity is represented by the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram. In a standard H-R diagram the horizontal axis shows the [surface] temperature, increasing from right to left, while the vertical axis shows luminosity increasing from bottom to top. When both axis are on a logarithmic scale, the main sequence stars from a diagonal belt stretching from top right (very hot and very luminous) to bottom left (not so hot and not so luminous).

What does fossil evidence show about Earth's climate?

Fossil evidence shows that Earth's climate has changed significantly over time, with periods of warming and cooling. By studying the fossils of plants and animals from different time periods, scientists can determine past climate conditions such as temperature and precipitation levels. This helps us better understand the factors that influence climate change and its potential impacts in the future.

What is the slope of a velocity vs temperature graph?

The slope of a velocity vs temperature graph represents the change in velocity per unit change in temperature. It provides information on how velocity changes in response to changes in temperature.

When was the last global warming?

Global warming is an ongoing phenomenon, with temperatures steadily rising over the past few decades due to increased levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The most recent scientific data shows that global temperatures continue to increase, leading to more frequent extreme weather events and disruptions in ecosystems.

Which temperature scale shows water freezing at zero?

The Celsius temperature scale shows water freezing at zero degrees Celsius.

Why does a nurse taking your temperature wait for the thermometer reading to stop changing?

Waiting for the thermometer reading to stop changing ensures an accurate and stable temperature measurement, preventing any potential error due to fluctuations in the reading. This practice helps to obtain a reliable and precise result for the patient's temperature assessment.

Is Global Warming a scare campaign by scientists?

No. Why would scientists conduct a scare campaign? How would that be an advantage to them or to anyone? Global warming can be measured. The temperatures are rising round the world. The vast majority of scientists say that burning fossil fuels and deforestation are the two principal causes. Greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane are increasing in the atmosphere. That is being measured too, and there is no doubt about it. The chemical signature of the carbon dioxide in the air shows that it comes from burning hydrocarbons, fossil fuels like coal and oil. There is do doubt about the greenhouse effect, also. The greenhouse effect keeps the earth warm because the greenhouse gases absorb the infrared heat radiated up from the warm surface of the earth. If the amount of greenhouse gases increase, so does the amount of heat. Global warming!