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Felsic magma.

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Rhyolitic magma typically contains a high amount of silica and water vapor. It is known for its high viscosity and tendency to produce explosive eruptions due to the buildup of gas pressure within the magma chamber.

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Q: Type of magma containing a lot of silica and water vapor?
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What type of magma containing a lot silica and water vapor?

Felsic magma

What is the type of magma contain a lot of silica and water vapor is?

The three types of magma, named for the rock they form are basaltic, rhyolitic and andesitic. Rhyolitic magma is rich in silica and water vapor.

What do both silica and water do to magma?

Silica is silicon dioxide. Is is perhaps the most common compound on earth. In magma the amount of silica is key in determining the viscosity. More silica leads to a more viscous magma.

What is the relationship between the amount of gases in magma and the explosiveness a volcanic eruption?

The more gases, water vapor and silica there is in magma the bigger the explosiveness of a volcanic eruption.

What is the specific water vapor and silica conditions that cause differences in eruptions?

Variations in water vapor content in magma can lead to differences in eruptions. Higher water vapor content results in explosive eruptions, while lower content leads to effusive eruptions. Silica content affects magma viscosity, with high silica content leading to more explosive eruptions due to the increased resistance to flow.

What is Silica rich thick magma called?

Silica-rich thick magma is called rhyolite. It contains high levels of silica, making it very viscous and typically light in color. Rhyolite is associated with explosive volcanic activity due to the build-up of pressure caused by the slow movement of its thick lava.

What determines whether a volcano will erupt violently or quietly?

if a volcano is high in silica, it will be explosive. If its low in silica, it will be quiet. Two important things that determine whether an eruption will be explosive or quiet: # The amount of water vapor and other gases that are trapped in the magma. # If the magma is basaltic or grantic.

What three things indicate the thickness of magma?

Silica content: Magma with high silica content tends to be more viscous and therefore thicker. Temperature: Hotter magma is usually less viscous and flows more easily. Gas content: The presence of dissolved gases, such as water vapor and carbon dioxide, can affect the viscosity of magma, making it thicker.

What makes magma thicker?

Magma becomes thicker when it has a higher viscosity, which is caused by its composition, temperature, and gas content. Magma with more silica will be thicker due to the stronger chemical bonds between silica molecules, making it harder for the magma to flow. Cooling and degassing can also increase magma viscosity by promoting crystal formation and reducing the fluidity of the melt.

What can be made up of magma?

Silica, Water and carbon dioxide.

What type of magma has a high silica content?

Felsic magma has a high silica content, which makes it more viscous and prone to explosive eruptions.

Does silica or water have the greater effect on the eruptive force of the volcano?

Water gas a greater influence. Regardless of the amount of silica present, an eruption cannot be explosive if there is no gas present, and the chief gas is water vapor. Magma that is high in silica but low in gas content will be slowly extruded to form a lava dome or a very thick lava flow.