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The non-painted iron sample will be rusted.

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The painted iron sample would likely have less corrosion compared to the unpainted iron sample due to the protective layer provided by the paint. The unpainted iron sample would be more prone to rusting and deterioration from exposure to the elements.

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Q: Two samples of iron are placed together outdoors one sample is painted the other is not what would you expect the conditions of the two samples to be like after a period of time?
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What are the core top samples in marine geology?

The core top samples in marine geology are sediment samples collected from the top layer of the ocean floor. These samples are essential for studying past environmental conditions, including sea level changes, climate variations, and sedimentation rates. Analyzing core top samples can provide valuable insights into the history and dynamics of marine environments.

Can genetic diseases or disorders be diagnosed using small blood and saliva samples?

Yes, genetic diseases or disorders can be diagnosed using small blood and saliva samples. Genetic testing can analyze DNA from these samples to detect mutations associated with certain conditions. This can provide valuable information about an individual's genetic predisposition to certain diseases.

What is the role of histology laboratory in clinical diagnosis?

The histology laboratory plays a crucial role in clinical diagnosis by examining tissue samples to identify abnormalities, diseases, and conditions at a cellular level. Pathologists analyze the samples using various techniques to provide accurate diagnoses, which help guide treatment decisions for patients. The histology laboratory ensures that the information obtained from tissue samples contributes to the overall clinical management and care of patients.

What did Alfreda Wagner use to support his theory on continental drift?

he told them they drifted apart because they were together

Which type of samples analysed by hplc?

High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is commonly used to analyze a wide range of samples, including pharmaceuticals, food and beverages, environmental samples, and biological samples such as proteins, amino acids, and nucleic acids.

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