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Tensional stress

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Q: Two opposite ends of a rock are pulled away from the middle Which type of stress does this cause?
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The three types of stresses are compression, tension and shear...

Shearing results when forces within the earth are pulled in opposite horizontal directions?

Shearing in the Earth's crust occurs when forces cause rocks to move horizontally in opposite directions along a fault line. This movement results in a strain that generates earthquakes as the rocks rupture along the fault. Shearing is a type of stress that can lead to faulting and seismic activity.

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High friction on opposite sides of a fault can cause stress to build up in the rocks. When the stress exceeds the strength of the rocks, it can result in an earthquake as the rocks suddenly shift along the fault line.

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Yes. Stress can cause you to miss your period.

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How can folded mountain ranges be located in the middle of a tectonic plate?

This quick lab will show how this can occur: 1) Get a piece of paper 2) Push from the opposite sides of the paper, (It should bunch up in the middle of the paper) This is an example of how this can happen The paper is the mountain range The Two sides of the paper are two different plates, then the range forms in the middle.