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Q: Two body parts that are physically similar but have different functions in different species are called?
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What are anologus organs?

Analogous organs are structures in different species that have similar functions but different evolutionary origins. They have evolved independently to serve the same function in response to similar environmental pressures, rather than being inherited from a common ancestor. This is an example of convergent evolution.

Does homologous mean that structures are similar due to having common ancestry?

Yes, homologous structures are similar in form or function because they are inherited from a common ancestor. These structures may have different functions in different species, but their underlying similarity suggests they evolved from a common source.

Do elephants and cheetahs mate together?

No they don't, they are of different species and it is most likely physically impossible.

What is the structure that are similar to each other due to common ancestry?

Structures that are similar due to common ancestry are called homologous structures. These structures may have different functions but share a similar underlying anatomy, indicating a shared evolutionary history. Examples include the bones in the limbs of vertebrates, which have a common origin despite being adapted for different purposes in different species.

What are ecological equivalents?

Ecological equivalents are different species that occupy similar roles or niches within an ecosystem. They may have evolved separately but share similar adaptations or behaviors to exploit the same resources. This concept helps us understand how different species can fulfill similar ecological functions in different environments.

Related questions

What are a group of organisms that are physically similar and can reproduce called?

people Actually, a biological species is the answer.

What homologous structures in different species evidence of?

Homologous structures in different species are evidence of a common evolutionary ancestry. These structures have a similar origin, but may have different functions in different species. Studying homologous structures helps researchers understand how species have diverged and evolved over time.

What is notion of homology?

Homology is a concept in biology that refers to similarities between different species due to shared ancestry. In genetics, homology refers to similar DNA sequences found in different species that are inherited from a common ancestor. Homologous structures in anatomy are organs or body parts that have a similar underlying structure but may have different functions in different species.

What are analogous characteristics?

Analogous characteristics are traits or features that are similar in function or purpose but have different evolutionary origins. For example, the wings of birds and insects are analogous structures because they both serve the function of flight, but have evolved independently in each group.

Is a group of organisms that are physically similar and can reproduce with each other to produce off springs?

species is the group of organisms

How did Darwin explain why species had different adaptions than similar south American species?

Darwin explained why Galapagos species had different adaptations than similar South American species with Evolution.

What is the purpose of scientific classification system?

It's used to group similar animals together. For example, there are a number of different species of snake which are classified as pythons because they are either physically similar in appearance, or they exhibit the same behavioural characteristics.

What is a group of organisms that are physically similar and can mate and produce offspring that can in turn mate and produce offspring?

A species.

How did Darwin explain Galapagos species had different adaptations than similar south American species?

Darwin explained why Galapagos species had different adaptations than similar South American species with Evolution.

Mixtures are made of substances that are .?

Chemically changed and can be physically separated into different species.

What is a group of different or similar species?

its genus

Is a group of organisms that are physically similar and can mate with each other produce offspring that can also mate and reproduce?
