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Tremolite is a silicate mineral.

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1y ago

Tremolite is a member of the amphibole mineral group.

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Q: Tremolite is part of what mineral group?
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Minerals of this family tend to form long needlelike crystals?

The mineral family that tends to form long needlelike crystals is the amphibole group. Examples of minerals in this group include hornblende and tremolite. These minerals are silicate minerals with a double chain structure, which contributes to their characteristic needlelike crystal habit.

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Does tremolite fluoresce under a blacklight?

Yes, tremolite can fluoresce under a blacklight. It may exhibit a weak to moderate green fluorescence.

Is hematite a non silicate mineral?

Yes, hematite is a non-silicate mineral. It is an oxide mineral composed of iron(III) oxide, making it separate from the silicate mineral group which are minerals composed of silicon and oxygen.

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Zinc is a metal element and is not classified under a specific mineral group. It is commonly found in nature as the mineral sphalerite, which is a zinc sulfide.

What mineral group is uvite the mineral in?

The tourmaline group (cyclosilicates)

What is chalcopyrites mineral group?

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Is hematite a silicate mineral?

No, hematite is not a silicate mineral. It is an oxide mineral composed primarily of iron oxide. Silicate minerals are composed of silicon and oxygen atoms.