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Rejection of transplanted organs occurs in the type of immune response called "graft rejection". This occurs when the recipient's immune system recognizes the transplanted organ as foreign and attacks it, leading to potential organ failure. Medications are often used to suppress this immune response and prevent rejection.

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Q: Transplanted organs may be rejected in the type of immune response called?
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How do doctors stop organ rejection?

Doctors typically use immunosuppressant medications to stop organ rejection. These medications work by suppressing the immune system's response to the transplanted organ, preventing it from being attacked and rejected. Patients must take these medications long-term to maintain the function of the transplanted organ.

What is it called when a transplanted organ is attacked by the body's immune system?

It is called organ rejection, which occurs when the recipient's immune system recognizes the transplanted organ as foreign and tries to attack and destroy it. Organ rejection can lead to the failure of the transplanted organ if not managed properly with immunosuppressive medications.

A common occurrence in transplant patients in which the patient's immune system attacks the donated organ or tissue?

This is known as organ rejection, where the recipient's immune system recognizes the transplanted organ as foreign and mounts an immune response against it. To prevent rejection, transplant patients are typically prescribed immunosuppressive medications to dampen their immune response and protect the transplanted organ. Regular monitoring and adjustment of these medications are essential to prevent rejection.

The foreign or nonself proteins that trigger immune responses are called?

An immune response is based on the ability to distinguish molecules that are part of the body ("self") from those that are not ("nonself," or foreign). Such molecules that can elicit an immune response are called antigens.

Explain how the cells of the immune system evoke and maintain an immune response?

Cells of the immune system, such as T and B lymphocytes, recognize and respond to foreign invaders, called antigens, by producing specific antibodies or initiating cell-mediated responses. After the initial immune response, memory cells are formed, which help maintain a faster and stronger response upon subsequent exposure to the same antigen. This process of evoking and maintaining an immune response is crucial for protecting the body against pathogens and maintaining immunity.

Related questions

How do doctors stop organ rejection?

Doctors typically use immunosuppressant medications to stop organ rejection. These medications work by suppressing the immune system's response to the transplanted organ, preventing it from being attacked and rejected. Patients must take these medications long-term to maintain the function of the transplanted organ.

What kind of drug suppresses the body's immune response?

Immunosuppressant drugs are used to suppress the body's immune response. These drugs are commonly prescribed to prevent rejection of transplanted organs and to treat autoimmune diseases. They work by reducing the activity of the immune system.

What is it called when a transplanted organ is attacked by the body's immune system?

It is called organ rejection, which occurs when the recipient's immune system recognizes the transplanted organ as foreign and tries to attack and destroy it. Organ rejection can lead to the failure of the transplanted organ if not managed properly with immunosuppressive medications.

A common occurrence in transplant patients in which the patient's immune system attacks the donated organ or tissue?

This is known as organ rejection, where the recipient's immune system recognizes the transplanted organ as foreign and mounts an immune response against it. To prevent rejection, transplant patients are typically prescribed immunosuppressive medications to dampen their immune response and protect the transplanted organ. Regular monitoring and adjustment of these medications are essential to prevent rejection.

Why are transplanted organs often rejected by the person that receives them?

i think it is because they have a different blood type that wont work in their body

Which substances produced in the body are directly responsible for rejection of a transplanted organ?

T cells and antibodies are two primary substances produced by the body that are responsible for rejection of a transplanted organ. T cells recognize the transplanted organ as foreign and mount an immune response, while antibodies can target the transplanted tissue for destruction. These responses can lead to rejection if not controlled by immunosuppressive medications.

The foreign or nonself proteins that trigger immune responses are called?

An immune response is based on the ability to distinguish molecules that are part of the body ("self") from those that are not ("nonself," or foreign). Such molecules that can elicit an immune response are called antigens.

Why are tissues more easily transplanted than organs between people with a minimal risk of rejection by the recipient?

Tissues have fewer antigens than organs, making them less likely to trigger an immune response in the recipient. Additionally, tissues are less vascularized compared to organs, reducing the chance of immune system recognition and rejection. Lastly, tissues can often be transplanted in smaller amounts, decreasing the likelihood of immune rejection.

What characteristics does an abnormal kidney transplantation have?

A transplanted kidney may be rejected by the patient. Rejection occurs when the patient's immune system recognizes the new kidney as a foreign body and attacks the kidney. It may occur soon after transplantation, or.

What is mounting an excessive immune response to a harmless antigen called?


What is a substance that causes an immune response called?


What does tissue rejection mean?

after a graft or transplant, the immune response of the recipient to foreign tissue cells, with production of antibodies and eventually destruction of the transplanted organ. acute rejection , acute cellular rejection , cellular rejection.