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4mo ago

Transformation did not occur when the old ways of thinking or being were destroyed without being replaced by new thoughts or concepts. This lack of replacement or renewal inhibits the process of transformation, as there is no platform for growth or change to take place.

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Q: Transformation did not occur when what was destroyed?
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Transformation did not occur when?

The necessary conditions for change were not in place, such as motivation, support, or resources. It is possible that the individual or situation was not ready or receptive to transformation at that time. It could also be due to resistance, fear, or a lack of understanding.

What is a good sentence for transformation?

The landscape underwent a huge transformation after the bomb destroyed the beautiful countryside. The caterpillar transformed into a beautiful butterfly.

Where do subduction's occur?

Where crust is destroyed

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When energy transformation happen energy is never?

When energy transformations occur, energy is never created or destroyed. Instead, it simply changes from one form to another, such as from potential energy to kinetic energy or from electrical energy to thermal energy. This principle is known as the law of conservation of energy.

Does metamorphosis occur in humans Why or why not?

Metamorphosis doesn't occur in human because it is transformation from immuture creature to an adult. In case of human, we observe that from infancy to old age no such transformation occurr. Hence we can say that there is no metamorphosis appearantly

What energy transformation occur in a speaker?

electrical to sound

What energy transformation can occur only in autotrophs?

light energy into chemical energy

Briefly describe how Avery and his group determined which molecules was most important for transformation?

Avery and his colleagues made an extract, or juice, from the heat-killed bacteria. They then carefully treated the extract with enzymes that destroyed proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, and other molecules, including the RNA. Transformation still occurred. Obviously, since these molecules had been destroyed, they were not responsible for the transformation. Your welcome:)

What event is likely to occur when vegetation is destroyed?


What does not occur in a chemical reaction?

matter is not created or destroyed

If energy cannot be destroyed can it be created?

Energy cannot be created or destroyed, considering E=mc^2. Conservation of energy allows for the transformation of energy to different forms. Transformation is not considered creating or destroying, but transforming.