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Transcribing DNA is a process where a specific segment of DNA is copied into RNA. This RNA molecule can then be used by the cell to produce proteins through the process of translation. Protein synthesis is essential for various cellular functions such as enzyme activity, cell structure, and signaling.

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Q: Transcribing DNA for what function for the cell?
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DNA provides the information for cell growth and function.

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The function of DNA in a cell is to code the way proteins turn genes on or off, and to carry genetic material.

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The nucleus is the cell structure that directs all cell activity. It contains the cell's DNA and regulates the cell's functions by transcribing and translating the genetic information into proteins.

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RNA polymerase is the enzyme responsible for transcribing mRNA from DNA in the process of transcription. It catalyzes the polymerization of ribonucleotides into a growing mRNA strand complementary to the DNA template strand.

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Where does DNA function?

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Which cell is responsible for controlling cell function?

The nucleus is responsible for controlling cell function. It contains the cell's DNA, which holds the instructions for making proteins and determining the cell's characteristics. The nucleus regulates protein synthesis and coordinates the cell's activities.

What contains information that determines a cell's purpose and function?

The information that determines a cell's purpose and function is stored in its DNA. DNA contains the instructions for making proteins, which play key roles in carrying out various cellular functions and determining the cell's characteristics. These instructions are read and executed by the cell through processes like transcription and translation.

What cell has DNA bound in a nucleus?

Eukaryotic cells have DNA bound in a nucleus. The nucleus of a eukaryotic cell serves as the control center for the cell, housing the genetic material (DNA) that contains instructions for cell function and replication.