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To sustain means to support or uphold something without it breaking or giving way. It involves maintaining something at a certain level or state for a prolonged period of time.

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Q: To sustain to support without breaking or yielding?
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How do you use the word sustain?

You can use the word sustain to mean support or uphold, such as "The nonprofit organization works to sustain local communities". It can also refer to maintaining something, like "The farmer sustains his crops through regular watering and care".

What are the different characteristic of materiala explain each?

Hardness: The measure of how resistant a material is to deformation or scratching. Density: The amount of mass in a given volume of a material. Conductivity: The ability of a material to transfer heat or electricity. Strength: The ability of a material to withstand applied forces without yielding or fracturing. Ductility: The ability of a material to be stretched or deformed without breaking.

What is a solid that has ability to bend without breaking?

One example of a solid that can bend without breaking is rubber. Rubber is a polymer with long chain molecules that can stretch and flex without permanently deforming or breaking. This property is due to the elastic nature of the polymer chains within rubber.

A mineral that can be bent without breaking and will stay bent is called?

A mineral that can be bent without breaking and will stay bent is called malleable. It means that the mineral can be easily shaped or molded without breaking, and it will hold the shape after being bent.

When rocks bend without breaking because of plates movement it is called?

It is called folding when rocks bend without breaking because of plate movement.

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To sustain or support without yielding?


What is the Greek meaning of endure?

To continue in the same state without perishing; to last; to remain., To remain firm, as under trial or suffering; to suffer patiently or without yielding; to bear up under adversity; to hold out., To remain firm under; to sustain; to undergo; to support without breaking or yielding; as, metals endure a certain degree of heat without melting; to endure wind and weather., To bear with patience; to suffer without opposition or without sinking under the pressure or affliction; to bear up under; to put up with; to tolerate., To harden; to toughen; to make hardy.

How can an egg drop in a glass of water without breaking?

If the egg is placed gently into the water, the water will provide buoyant force, which will help support the egg's weight and prevent it from breaking. The egg will slowly sink and come to rest at the bottom of the glass without breaking.

How can you build a model car to support a egg without breaking it?

Make the car out of a frame of popsicle sticks and the egg will not break.

What does free turning mean?

You can continue your turn without stopping and yielding to anyone.

What is the true meaning of giving?

of Give, The act of bestowing as a gift; a conferring or imparting., A gift; a benefaction., The act of softening, breaking, or yielding.

What is the mean of supporter?

To bear by being under; to keep from falling; to uphold; to sustain, in a literal or physical sense; to prop up; to bear the weight of; as, a pillar supports a structure; an abutment supports an arch; the trunk of a tree supports the branches., To endure without being overcome, exhausted, or changed in character; to sustain; as, to support pain, distress, or misfortunes., To keep from failing or sinking; to solace under affictive circumstances; to assist; to encourage; to defend; as, to support the courage or spirits., To assume and carry successfully, as the part of an actor; to represent or act; to sustain; as, to support the character of King Lear., To furnish with the means of sustenance or livelihood; to maintain; to provide for; as, to support a family; to support the ministers of the gospel., To carry on; to enable to continue; to maintain; as, to support a war or a contest; to support an argument or a debate., To verify; to make good; to substantiate; to establish; to sustain; as, the testimony is not sufficient to support the charges; the evidence will not support the statements or allegations., To vindicate; to maintain; to defend successfully; as, to be able to support one's own cause., To uphold by aid or countenance; to aid; to help; to back up; as, to support a friend or a party; to support the present administration., A attend as an honorary assistant; as, a chairman supported by a vice chairman; O'Connell left the prison, supported by his two sons., The act, state, or operation of supporting, upholding, or sustaining., That which upholds, sustains, or keeps from falling, as a prop, a pillar, or a foundation of any kind., That which maintains or preserves from being overcome, falling, yielding, sinking, giving way, or the like; subsistence; maintenance; assistance; reenforcement; as, he gave his family a good support, the support of national credit; the assaulting column had the support of a battery.

What is the synonym of continued?

without any doubt... the answer is to sustain or prevail.

What part of the skeletal can bend without breaking?

Cartilage can bend without breaking. It's the only part that can.

What does sastainable mean? support, hold, or bear up from below; bear the weight of, as a structure. bear (a burden, charge, etc.). undergo, experience, or suffer (injury, loss, etc.); endure without giving way or yielding.

What are the two contradictory models that attempt to explain the origin of life?

The two contradictory models that attempt to explain the origin of life are spontaneous generation, which suggests that life can arise from non-living matter through a natural process, and biogenesis, which proposes that living organisms only arise from preexisting living organisms. Spontaneous generation was a popular belief until Francisco Redi and Louis Pasteur conducted experiments that provided evidence in support of biogenesis.

Where can you find wool yielding animals show in map?

You cannot find wool yeilding animals without the map and without knowing about the area the map depicts