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Q: To group similar items together is one group is to what?
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Are two items together plural?

If you have two items and wish to describe two or more similar items with one word, that one word would be plural. ex: Item - Items

What is a summary of scientific observations and conusions about cells?

A group of similar cells that work together to do one job.

A group of tissues that work together to perform one or more related functions?

An organ is a group of tissues working together to perform one or more related functions. Examples include the heart, lungs, and liver. Organs are the higher level of organization in the body compared to tissues.

What is the definition of a batch?

A batch is a collection of items or units processed together as a group. In a manufacturing or production context, a batch refers to a specific quantity of a product that is produced together at one time.

A species is a group of organisms so similar to one another that they can?

interbreed and produce fertile offspring. This is known as the biological species concept, which is one of the main ways to define a species in biology.

How can I start to organize my home now?

Organize your home by attacking one room at a time. The first thing to do is to get some sort of containers and sort belongings into things to keep and things to give away. Group like items together in containers, for instance personal care items like hairspray and makeup together and belts or other accessories together.

What are the differences between group and individual counselling?

Individual counseling would involve the counseler(s) and a single counselee. Group Counseling would involve not only the counseler(s) but more than one counselee.

What is a jacaranda?

Jacaranda is one of a group of trees similar to the Acacia.

What is an example of society?

There isn't one.

What does specialist shops mean?

A shop that sells/specialises in one or a few similar items

What is the consolidation of socialism?

Bringing it all together into one group. Bringing it all together into one government.

What is more than one cell called?

A group of cells is called a tissue. Tissues are made up of similar cells that work together to perform a specific function in the body.