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Connective tissue functions in both support and structure.

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Q: Tissue that has a supportive function in an organ or tissue is called?
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What is supportive tissue called?


What is a group of cells with similar structure or function?

A group of cells with similar structure or function is called a tissue. Tissues work together to perform specific functions within an organism. Examples of tissues include muscle tissue, nervous tissue, and epithelial tissue.

When similar cells act together to perform a function it is called?


A group of similar cells that perform a particular function?

This is called a tissue. Tissues are groups of cells that work together to perform a specific function in the body. Examples include muscle tissue, nerve tissue, and epithelial tissue.

What kind of tissue bone?

Bone cells are called osteocytes, and the matrix of the bone is made of calcium salts and collagen. Bone tissue is the major structural and supportive connective tissue of the body.

What is group of cells performing a specialized function called?

A tissue (not the kind you sneeze into) is a similar group of cells that perform the same function. a tissue. and a group of tissues working together is called an organ. and a group of organs working together is called an organ system.

Are the lungs made up of thick fibrous tissue?

No, the lungs are primarily made up of spongy, elastic tissue called alveoli, which are surrounded by thin walls that allow for gas exchange. The fibrous tissue in the lungs is mainly found in the supportive structures that help maintain the shape and function of the lungs.

What do you call a group of cells that are all alike?

Answer The answer is tissue AND NOT ORGAN

What is a group of cells called?


What are groups of cell with the same function called?

it is called tissue.

A group of cells that have the same structure and function?

A group of cells that have similar structure and functions is called tissue. Some examples of tissue include muscles, skin and bone.

A group of cells that performs a particular function is called a?

Tissues are groups of similar cells performing a single function. A group of tissues working together to perform a complex function is called an organ.