During winter, there is a time difference of 8 hours between the UK and Bali. Bali is 8 hours ahead of the UK.
the flight time from jakarta to Bali and from Bali from Jakarta is 1 hour and 30 minutes. but, it is not an exact time. for example: you left Jakarta or Bali at12:30 p.m but sometimes you arrived at Bali or Jakarta at 02:01. so, the pilots will try to make there on time.
Bali is (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT +8 hours, ie. 8 hours ahead of Greenwich, England. (Daylight savings not taken into account.)
The flight time from Doha, Qatar to Bali, Indonesia typically takes around 9 to 11 hours, depending on the airline and route taken. It's best to check with airlines for specific flight schedules and durations.
Currently Bali (UTC+8) is five hours ahead of Qatar (UTC+3). However, a change from three time zones to one has been proposed in Indonesia. Bali is currently in Central Indonesian Time.
the best time to visit Bali is April and October .
The time difference between Bali and Australia depends upon which part of Australia you are referring to. The time difference between Melbourne and Bali is 2 hours, with Melbourne behind 2 hours ahead.
The time in Bali is always UTC + 8 hrs., and the time in Darwin is always UTC + 9.5 hrs., so Darwin is always 1.5 hrs. ahead of Bali.
During winter, there is a time difference of 8 hours between the UK and Bali. Bali is 8 hours ahead of the UK.
The flight time from Manchester, United Kingdom to Bali is about 15 hours, 36 minutes.
Visiting Bali Villas is truly can be awesome experience for anyone. Last time I have visited some amazing villa in Bali. So, I will recommend you this villa in Bali.
The flight time from Bali to Ha Noi, Viet Nam is about 4 hours, 15 minutes.
the flight time from jakarta to Bali and from Bali from Jakarta is 1 hour and 30 minutes. but, it is not an exact time. for example: you left Jakarta or Bali at12:30 p.m but sometimes you arrived at Bali or Jakarta at 02:01. so, the pilots will try to make there on time.
It is around 4,5 hrs flight time from Bangkok to Denpasar (Bali)
A direct flight from Seoul to Bali would take 7 hours.
Bali is (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT +8 hours, ie. 8 hours ahead of Greenwich, England. (Daylight savings not taken into account.)
The flight time from Doha, Qatar to Bali, Indonesia typically takes around 9 to 11 hours, depending on the airline and route taken. It's best to check with airlines for specific flight schedules and durations.